forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

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Holy crap I FEEL that. Being quarantined with my homophobic family is KILLING ME. I'm not out to anyone except on this chat but every time my parents say something homophobic or transphobic, I just want to look at them and be like "you know I'm queer, right" and watch the life leave their eyes

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Holy crap I FEEL that. Being quarantined with my homophobic family is KILLING ME. I'm not out to anyone except on this chat but every time my parents say something homophobic or transphobic, I just want to look at them and be like "you know I'm queer, right" and watch the life leave their eyes

I feel you. My mom is fine but my dad is big nope

@Bre_is_sick_of_school group

Holy crap I FEEL that. Being quarantined with my homophobic family is KILLING ME. I'm not out to anyone except on this chat but every time my parents say something homophobic or transphobic, I just want to look at them and be like "you know I'm queer, right" and watch the life leave their eyes

Yeah, I have a friend that is trans and is almost in the same situation.


I feel you. My mom is fine but my dad is big nope
If anything, my parents are the opposite. Hopefully my dad would be cool with me being pan and gender-fluid, or at least tolerate it. But my mom would most definitely kick me out.

@Anemone eco

My mom's totally chill with the LGBTQ+ community. They're non-binary and pan, one of my sisters is a lesbian, one of my brothers is bi, etc.

My dad on the other hand… not so sure about him.

@Bre_is_sick_of_school group

My parents know hat I am gay, but when I came out to my friend's family they were like "ok?" and this was the homophobic/transphobic family and I am no I am really mad that my friend is really scared to come out because they were saying mean stuff behind my back.

@Pickles group

Holy crap I FEEL that. Being quarantined with my homophobic family is KILLING ME. I'm not out to anyone except on this chat but every time my parents say something homophobic or transphobic, I just want to look at them and be like "you know I'm queer, right" and watch the life leave their eyes

Me every time they say something about when I have kids or their future grandchildren
Haha nope I'm not getting married

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My mom's totally chill with the LGBTQ+ community. They're non-binary and pan, one of my sisters is a lesbian, one of my brothers is bi, etc.

My dad on the other hand… not so sure about him.

Your mom is nonbinary?

@darling-velocipede group

You know, being trans is great and all, but sometimes people's closed minds can really get to me. I often have people shout my birth name at me when I walk by, or they'll call me the t-slur, and I've even had people kick my ankles. It really sucks. Hopefully, my school will try to bring this to a minimum, but it's really hard.

who's the bitch out here kicking people's ankles that's aggressive as hell i'll gladly fight them for you. also hi i suppose


Ugh I wish my parents were supportive of the LGBTQ community. Maybe then I'd have the courage to come out to them… Nah I'll just live in the closet for the rest of my life.

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I actually came out to my mom, but not my dad because he's not quite supportive, to put it nicely

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I actually came out to my mom, but not my dad because he's not quite supportive, to put it nicely

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Nothing pisses me off more than parents not supporting kids

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I want to steal someone's hulu account I wanna watch x men >:(


So I just had to explain the ia to my parents because they didn’t understand all the letters that were being added, I didn’t even get to explaining what agender and abrosexual mean because they didn’t understand why aromantic and asexual were LGBTQ+ because you can I guess not be sexually attracted to whoever and still be straight?
Idk and now for some reason I’m kinda scared to tell them I’m aroace

I’m not attracted to boys therefore I’m not straight therefore I belong in the LGBTQ+ community

And I was already having doubts about how I belong since I can’t relate to all the same problems the rest of the community faces Not to mention all the doubts in the back of my head about what if I’m not actually aroace and I experience attraction one day