forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

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me over here afraid that being in quarantine for the rest of the school year will make me accidentally come out to my mother.

@Bre_is_sick_of_school group

me over here afraid that being in quarantine for the rest of the school year will make me accidentally come out to my mother.

Sits down Well tell me all about how this is going to go down.


So, conservative christian mother. Not sure how she'd take it and for like 2 years now I have been pansexual and just recently I became nb, but yep, still afraid to tell her.

@Bre_is_sick_of_school group

So, conservative christian mother. Not sure how she'd take it and for like 2 years now I have been pansexual and just recently I became nb, but yep, still afraid to tell her.

nice This is the best thing ever.

@Toaster group

So, I've been following this chat for a while and I guess I should probably introduce myself.
Hi, I'm ShyDark_Angel. (You can call me Angel)
I was born female, but you can call me male or female names(dude, bro, girlie, sister, etc.), she/her, he/him or just they/them.
In all honesty, I don't know what my sexual orientation is, but I think I'm straight and possibly ace.
(I do like some girls a lot, but that's more of a best friend or hero worship situation.)

Deleted user

Sometimes an afternoon when you're supposed to be working is watching 42nd street and starting to choreograph and come up with a 42nd street medly

@Becfromthedead group

me over here afraid that being in quarantine for the rest of the school year will make me accidentally come out to my mother.

That's such a mood. I'm doing a whole project on the LGBT community and healthcare, and honestly I'm surprised she hasn't noticed the subtle gay all over my school stuff (a pin on my bookbag that says "y'all means all" in rainbow letters, rainbow stickers all over my laptop). Plus, actually sitting in my room talking about bisexuality in a class discussion because we've been talking about gender and sexuality in sociology. I'm out to everyone except my family basically.

@Becfromthedead group

Yeah… my mom acts like you can't know until you're older. Like my fiance's family has a lot of LGBT members. They are bi and gender-neutral/something under the nb umbrella that they don't care to label, but my mom doesn't know this. And then their siblings are an nb lesbian and a trans boy. My mom just happened to see a pic of them at our city's pride and asked, "are they gay? How can they know at that age?!" And 1. They are both in high school, 2. You knew you were straight when you were young
Also I haven't even bothered telling her that the older of the two siblings is trans because I know she'll still misgender him and also press me with questions. Some days I feel like just dumping all of my "scandalous" secrets on her at once and watching her face.

@Toaster group

Some days I feel like just dumping all of my "scandalous" secrets on her at once and watching her face.

That sounds like it would be hilarious! 😂

@Becfromthedead group

Just word it exactly like this:
"Mom, I have something to tell you. I'm a liberal and I won't vote for Trump just because that's what you want. I'm not Christian anymore and haven't been for years. Also I'm a big bisexual."

@Sleep-deprived-and-Stupid group

Mine would go like…
"Mom, I've kissed boys, that wasn't for me. I kissed girls, that is the good kush, my man. All my girl friends you've met I've dated and/or kissed, and I snuck a girl into my room for weeks last year without you noticing at all. Remember that church you made us go to? The one you loved? I kissed a girl in the bathroom there, and I haven't been a Christian for the past two years. Suck it."

@HighPockets group

Some days I feel like just dumping all of my "scandalous" secrets on her at once and watching her face.

That sounds like it would be hilarious! 😂

Oof, felt that. I hate that quarantine had to happen now, I'd just come out to some of my friends and realized a lot of them are ace too.