forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

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I'm not trying to be mean or anything, I promise. But did you spell quarantine wrong in your username on purpose or was it an accident?

it was on accident , and thank you you are not mean . sometimes i need that extra help in spelling.

@Anemone eco


I'm not trying to be mean or anything, I promise. But did you spell quarantine wrong in your username on purpose or was it an accident?

it was on accident , and thank you you are not mean . sometimes i need that extra help in spelling.

It's alright, my guy.

Deleted user

Punctuation is handy.

I say casually into the air.

Deleted user

anyways yeah, you can rp with me Chey, but only if you put some effort into it, ya feel ?

Deleted user

It's going decent. Online school is no fun, but we been knew. I had pancakes for lunch though and I'm slowly getting through a big list of musicals that I need to listen to.

@Pickles group

A lot better, thanks to andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer). Today the only class I had was band and next week is spring break for us

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I'm just chilling, listening to a Critroll oneshot

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Im singing along to Thomas Sanders music really loud so I’m doing alright

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I'm jamming out as I look for a good paranormal or true crime documentary to watch

my mom walked into my room, said "eMo MuSiC aGaIn?" and left

Mom… I…