forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

people_alt 232 followers

Deleted user

plus I only wear black, eyeliner for days, and have blue hair.

Deleted user

Well, if I end up watching something about what I was researching last night {I probably won't find anything, unless I just rewatch the disgusting, disturbing video evidence} I won't be saying anything.

But otherwise, I'll let y'all know. I'm not really finding anything right now though.

Deleted user

y'all got any recommendations? Any stuff on Youtube?

@Pickles group

Serial killer documentaries largely in general. Particularly the zodiac killer (there's a lot) as long as you steer away from the ones where the host dude is going in with the idea that he's going to solve it. Because those are…

Deleted user

What was funny?

That aside, how's everyone's day going? :)

idk, pretty slow ig.

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

So anyway
I video chatted for a few minutes with my (kinda)crush
I haven't seen him since the summer
And my heart was all fluttery and it was kinda weird but also amazing
And I was really happy
And now I realize how much I miss him
And if you're on notebook, you know who you are(probably)

Deleted user

so um, I'm asexual which means I'm not romantically attracted to anyone, in other words, I don't feel that way about people. Anyone else? Don't leave me alone here! TT-TT

Deleted user

ohhhhh, then I'm both too. Nice to know I'm not alone!

Deleted user

Hey Lane. I'm Miriam, but you can call me Miri, Mir, Mimi, etc. Biromantic demisexual.

Deleted user

ya, yes, weebs. I to like anime, but I can't draw to safe my life.

@Anemone eco

Greetings, Lane. My name is Zach, though most people around here call me Nie. You can look at my bio to see whatever else you can call me. My pronouns are he/him and my sexual identity is a mystery to even me, I'll figure it out one day.