forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

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@Toaster group

Ok, so I'm not even sure I'm straight…I have liked a couple girls. Never dated one though. I'm not sure how to feel about this either, because that's not how I was raised. 😓

i get that. it’s ok to not know and you don’t need to feel any kind of pressure to figure it out, you’ll have plenty of time. and whether you’re straight or not, you’re still valid and loved. <3

Thanks. 💜
The real problem is this: I'm a Christian, and the Bible says not to be with the same gender. I do support gays, though, so my beliefs clash. If it turns out I'm not straight, but in fact, bi, gay, pan, etc., then my parents are going to give me hell. 😵

Deleted user

I'm adopted irl, my adopted father drinks a lot so he's always angry and yelling at us children in the house.


Ok, so I'm not even sure I'm straight…I have liked a couple girls. Never dated one though. I'm not sure how to feel about this either, because that's not how I was raised. 😓

i get that. it’s ok to not know and you don’t need to feel any kind of pressure to figure it out, you’ll have plenty of time. and whether you’re straight or not, you’re still valid and loved. <3

Thanks. 💜
The real problem is this: I'm a Christian, and the Bible says not to be with the same gender. I do support gays, though, so my beliefs clash. If it turns out I'm not straight, but in fact, bi, gay, pan, etc., then my parents are going to give me hell. 😵

i’m also Christian, and i completely understand. i just want to you to know that if you ever need to talk or need a friend or whatever, i’m here for you and i support you. <3 <3

Deleted user

Ok, so I'm not even sure I'm straight…I have liked a couple girls. Never dated one though. I'm not sure how to feel about this either, because that's not how I was raised. 😓

i get that. it’s ok to not know and you don’t need to feel any kind of pressure to figure it out, you’ll have plenty of time. and whether you’re straight or not, you’re still valid and loved. <3

Thanks. 💜
The real problem is this: I'm a Christian, and the Bible says not to be with the same gender. I do support gays, though, so my beliefs clash. If it turns out I'm not straight, but in fact, bi, gay, pan, etc., then my parents are going to give me hell. 😵

im here for you Sis/Bro !

Deleted user

queer culture is having to laugh loudly at all the lgbtq jokes your tv show makes so your family knows it's okay to laugh

@Sleep-deprived-and-Stupid group

Y'all I hate being at home… my mom hates underage people who "claim to be LGBT" and I'm literally here… gay and my gender is ???? and I'm so uncomfortable here.
I remember when I respected this woman…

@Toaster group

I call people by their original name and gender (the one they first told me), even if they legally changed them. It's not that I'm trying to be rude, it's just already hard for me to keep up with names, when they change it just messes with my head. 😫

@Toaster group

It's harder for them… they're facing so much every day and the least you could do is make an effort to remember their damn name. It gets easier every time you do it.

Hey, I'm not forgetful on purpose. No one is. I do try, and it's not my fault that I'm confused. My brain is just wired that way.

@Toaster group

Perhaps I should've given context? The people I call by their original names are ok with it, because they know how forgetful I am.
I even forget my own name sometimes. 😂

@Sleep-deprived-and-Stupid group

Perhaps I should've given context? The people I call by their original names are ok with it, because they know how forgetful I am.
I even forget my own name sometimes. 😂

Oh okay! I'm sorry for being kind of an asshole… I just have a lot of friends like me

@Toaster group

Perhaps I should've given context? The people I call by their original names are ok with it, because they know how forgetful I am.
I even forget my own name sometimes. 😂

Oh okay! I'm sorry for being kind of an asshole… I just have a lot of friends like me

It's fine. I'll get over it. 😃

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

Ok, so I'm not even sure I'm straight…I have liked a couple girls. Never dated one though. I'm not sure how to feel about this either, because that's not how I was raised. 😓

i get that. it’s ok to not know and you don’t need to feel any kind of pressure to figure it out, you’ll have plenty of time. and whether you’re straight or not, you’re still valid and loved. <3

Thanks. 💜
The real problem is this: I'm a Christian, and the Bible says not to be with the same gender. I do support gays, though, so my beliefs clash. If it turns out I'm not straight, but in fact, bi, gay, pan, etc., then my parents are going to give me hell. 😵

Technically, the Bible says nothing about being with the same gender.
The closest thing is a passage that says 'Man shall not lay with man'
But it was written in Greek and the original passage is 'Man shall not lay with boy'

@Toaster group

Technically, the Bible says nothing about being with the same gender.
The closest thing is a passage that says 'Man shall not lay with man'
But it was written in Greek and the original passage is 'Man shall not lay with boy'

Have you read it? Maybe you have, maybe you haven't.
My dad told me he found where it said not to do that. I think he said one of them was in Psalms.
I don't feel all that comfortable talking about this, so I'm going to drop the subject for now. That cool with you? 😃

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

Technically, the Bible says nothing about being with the same gender.
The closest thing is a passage that says 'Man shall not lay with man'
But it was written in Greek and the original passage is 'Man shall not lay with boy'

Have you read it? Maybe you have, maybe you haven't.
My dad told me he found where it said not to do that. I think he said one of them was in Psalms.
I don't feel all that comfortable talking about this, so I'm going to drop the subject for now. That cool with you? 😃

That's fine. If you don't feel comfortable, I'll respect that.

@Anemone eco

("Argument" doesn't always imply yelling and fighting, it could imply a point made during a discussion. Or reasoning even)