forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

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So we were filming stuff for our english project and I'm wearing a button down shirt and nice pants and suspenders and my straight friend said I looked like a lesbian and I think that was one of the best compliments I've ever gotten

And I asked her if I at least look like a hot lesbian and she said yes so basically for ALWAYS I look hot and gay

Fixed it. :D

@HighPockets group

So we were filming stuff for our english project and I'm wearing a button down shirt and nice pants and suspenders and my straight friend said I looked like a lesbian and I think that was one of the best compliments I've ever gotten

And I asked her if I at least look like a hot lesbian and she said yes so basically for ALWAYS I look hot and gay

Fixed it. :D

You right

Deleted user

Guess what, I’m officially like 5 people’s unofficial therapist:)

@Moxie group

So we were filming stuff for our english project and I'm wearing a button down shirt and nice pants and suspenders and my straight friend said I looked like a lesbian and I think that was one of the best compliments I've ever gotten

And I asked her if I at least look like a hot lesbian and she said yes so basically for ALWAYS I look hot and gay

Fixed it. :D

You right

Uhh you guys don't know that. You don't see me on a daily basis. Sometimes I look like I'm dead. You don't know

@The-Magician group

So we were filming stuff for our english project and I'm wearing a button down shirt and nice pants and suspenders and my straight friend said I looked like a lesbian and I think that was one of the best compliments I've ever gotten

And I asked her if I at least look like a hot lesbian and she said yes so basically for ALWAYS I look hot and gay

Fixed it. :D

You right

Uhh you guys don't know that. You don't see me on a daily basis. Sometimes I look like I'm dead. You don't know

I know, and I’m telling you that they are right. Fight me babe

@Moxie group

So we were filming stuff for our english project and I'm wearing a button down shirt and nice pants and suspenders and my straight friend said I looked like a lesbian and I think that was one of the best compliments I've ever gotten

And I asked her if I at least look like a hot lesbian and she said yes so basically for ALWAYS I look hot and gay

Fixed it. :D

You right

Uhh you guys don't know that. You don't see me on a daily basis. Sometimes I look like I'm dead. You don't know

I know, and I’m telling you that they are right. Fight me babe

Oh come on, you don't see me everyday either

@The-Magician group

Do I need to??

Well I'm not gonna send you pictures of myself on days when I look like shit

No I know that even though you have literally seen me when my face just doesn’t want to agree with me And I’m not asking you to. I just know that you’re beautiful, like all the time. That’s my opinion anyways

Edit: I couldn’t remember the word ‘skin’ so I said ‘face’??

@Moxie group

Do I need to??

Well I'm not gonna send you pictures of myself on days when I look like shit

No I know that even though you have literally seen me when my face just doesn’t want to agree with me And I’m not asking you to. I just know that you’re beautiful, like all the time. That’s my opinion anyways

Edit: I couldn’t remember the word ‘skin’ so I said ‘face’??

Hhngh okay fine. I’m not gonna try and change your mind

nah I got what you meant

@Moxie group

Okay second outfit update: my other friend told me I look super gay in the actual outfit I was wearing today and honestly getting told that twice today was very validating cause I had a whole ass crisis yesterday that I dress too straight