forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

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I'm tired af…im sick af…… and im having constant Flashbacks…

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I Love RWBY, but i can't watch it. it's blocked. stupid school computers… -__-

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-sits down, with my rainbow makeup all done up and with my music polo- Ugh……i felt like looking nice…but i FEEL like utter shit


I kinda stopped watching after they killed off Pyrrah, chopped off Yang's arm, made Blake disappear, and everything went to shit. Like, I enjoy how creators aren't afraid to show the darker sides of their work, BUT I don't like it when it's a full 180 of what the show was displaying from the start. It went from "cute battle girls with witty banter while kicking ass" to "murder, corruption, everything is bleak and dreary". It felt like a slap to the face tbh

Like don't get me wrong, I like both those types of stories. I just don't like it when one turns into the other with ZERO warning/barely any foreshadowing.

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Im still Gender fluid, failing 3 of my classes…and well having a lot of regret of past things i've done…also my little side is coming out…this is going to be interesting….