forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

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Alright, I'm about to have to go, but here's the run-down.

He tells me that he likes me. I tell him that I like him. So we decide that we're talking. He's acting abnormally sweet towards me, calling me this new nickname, 'sweetheart'. I mean, it sounds like he likes me, but honestly I'm not sure because I'm always confused. He's giving me these loving signals, but I don't feel like we're getting anywhere? It's been like a week since we told each-other our feelings? Am I just going too fast with things, or impatient? Or does he feel unsure of his feels?

Deleted user

Ok it could go one of two ways:

  • He really does like you and doesn’t really know how to express that individuality and you should support him and be honest.
  • He’s pretending for some reason and you should break ties ASAP

Deleted user

I think, maybe, he’s just unsure how to portray it to you. Especially if you guys don’t spend a lot of outside time together in phone calls or dates. So maybe to help out and scope it better, I’d invite him on a date or two.


Um, hello. I'm new, but saw this chat. I am still not 100% sure if I am bisexual, lesbian, or pansexual, but I am still figuring that out. And I just came out to one of my best friends. He actually came out to me a couple months ago but then fell of the radar, but I am happy to announce that we are, as he said "Bi-Buddies"


Welcome to the chat. I'm Ace, but yall can call me Red. I am who I am and I like who I like. I'm the local cryptid and anti-villain of the site.

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Um, hello. I'm new, but saw this chat. I am still not 100% sure if I am bisexual, lesbian, or pansexual, but I am still figuring that out. And I just came out to one of my best friends. He actually came out to me a couple months ago but then fell of the radar, but I am happy to announce that we are, as he said "Bi-Buddies"

Hi there, my name is Kylee, you can call me Derpachu, Xcnx4, whatever fits… I am bisexual myself, and I’m glad to meet you!

Deleted user

Um, hello. I'm new, but saw this chat. I am still not 100% sure if I am bisexual, lesbian, or pansexual, but I am still figuring that out. And I just came out to one of my best friends. He actually came out to me a couple months ago but then fell of the radar, but I am happy to announce that we are, as he said "Bi-Buddies"

Hello new friend! Im Pierce and im the nonbinary goblin person who tries to help out wherever and whenever i can!

Deleted user

Perice ur not a goblin!!!!

yeah i am
- a mischievous, ugly creature resembling a dwarf.

Deleted user

yes im sure, im smol and ugly, and slightly quiet at first but I can become very mischievous if im comfortable in the group.


is it just a mom thing to watch Korean dramas now???
cuz my mom watches them too-
she also keeps trying to convince me to watch them, but i need more time for anime so i haven't

Deleted user

My phone has been stuck on one page restarting for the last hour I am p i s s e d


Um, hello. I'm new, but saw this chat. I am still not 100% sure if I am bisexual, lesbian, or pansexual, but I am still figuring that out. And I just came out to one of my best friends. He actually came out to me a couple months ago but then fell of the radar, but I am happy to announce that we are, as he said "Bi-Buddies"

hey @Musical_Queen sounds like we're in the same boat. i feel you. but hi. i'm aria


Um, hello. I'm new, but saw this chat. I am still not 100% sure if I am bisexual, lesbian, or pansexual, but I am still figuring that out. And I just came out to one of my best friends. He actually came out to me a couple months ago but then fell of the radar, but I am happy to announce that we are, as he said "Bi-Buddies"

WELCOME TO HOLY THREAD filled with gay little cinnamon rolls

I’m magnus, she/her, queer :)