forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

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Wait @kmart-’s name is Claudia?
gets excited because my character in the show that I’m in is named Claudia

aww that's awesome!!
what show?

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fhfhfbgf that sounds adorable, i wish it was that cute and easy all the time

you shouldn’t worry, I’m ok

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aw that sucks m8. at least u got something to look forward to!


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im so excited for christmas cus im gonna get things and it’s very epicly epic


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i get a comfy set of pjs and i wear it and it’s nice
i also get money and art supplies and things I’ll actually use and want



Dhdjjsjs yayaya
My art teacher took pictures of my gesture drawings today cause she thought they were really good and let me tell you I felt BLESSED
And now I want to go to a life drawing class


How did you guys realize you weren't straight? I've been thinking about my feelings lately and I think I might not be.

I would love to help but I honestly have no idea how I realized I was just sort of happened over the course of the year. Sorry :) :/


How did you guys realize you weren't straight? I've been thinking about my feelings lately and I think I might not be.

Hiya human! It happens for everyone in different ways. For me I’ve never really had attraction towards men (I’m bi but I have major top energy and there’s no bottom guys at my school so eee) And I guess…I just thought about what it’d be like to date someone who was female, and I’d had a lot of thoughts about girls being pretty and if you really think about your feelings logically, that may help you figure it out.
Woah that paragraph was a mess! Sorry about that lol. My PMs are always open if you need to vent or need more help!! (Hope this was somewhat helpful)


How did you guys realize you weren't straight? I've been thinking about my feelings lately and I think I might not be.

Mine was sorta like, obvious to me from a young age, but I remained closeted at school until I caught feelings. With that though, I'm now struggling with figuring out my exact identity/label.

Each journey is different though. One of my friends found out literally by realizing that all of those girls she thought were cute were actually all crushes. Kinda like an "oh fuck I'm totally gay" moment.

One of my best friends actually read about each sexuality until "ah yes, pansexual sounds right, let's go with that"

Honestly, one bit of advice I recommend is to really evaluate your feelings to try and figure out what feels right to you. Then, go and research. And if you end up being straight, then hey, at least you'll be a very educated ally.

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How did you guys realize you weren't straight? I've been thinking about my feelings lately and I think I might not be.

i don't really think you know something like this right away, though it does happen like that for some people, it kind of takes time.
for me, well, i knew something wasn't right when i developed feelings for this one chick at my church

depression was something i was struggling with at the time and finding out that "hey, maybe i like girls too" (cause i didn't want to renounce to liking guys either (a religion thing), was a shocker and only made me sink further into the depresso :)

i've gone through a heck of a ride here and i went from being bi to being pan and now i think i might actually be trans too

i guess if you have feelings enough that say "hey, i like this person and i really really want to get to know them and spend a lot of time together with them" then you probably have a thing for them

but im talking about feelings like "oh fuck, why am i thinking like this, this isn't right-" kinda deal
idk man, im bad at explaining things, just listen to the other two, theirs sounded more coherent


Weird honestly. Nothing too interesting has happened honestly.

Well that's good to hear at least

How about you frond?

Honestly? Absolutely shitty and I'd rather not talk about the details of why


Weird honestly. Nothing too interesting has happened honestly.

Well that's good to hear at least

How about you frond?

Honestly? Absolutely shitty and I'd rather not talk about the details of why

Ouch. I hope things get better for you fam