forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

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I'm putting together my portfolio to get into an Art school!

@The-Magician group

I wish you luck child, the portfolios we have to produce need to be immaculate in their presentation, hundreds of pages of work with contextual evidence, and written essays by the dozen. And believe me I wish I was exaggerating..

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Bleh, I'm lucky it's only a High School thing.
I have to have nine peices of my own chosen, some still lifes and one 3d thing/

@The-Magician group

Ah, not old enough for college?
Forgive me, I assumed you were putting together a portfolio for college. If I had my one for high school then I would show it to you for ideas but my school is keeping it due to the exam board screwing me over.

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Nah, I am but a baby. :)
The art school I'm submitting it too has a bunch of really good connections and such, so I'd really like to get into it.


im at a public middle school :) literally the only reason i go here is because of the vibes nothing else
im wearing vans with creepers painted on them, bleached jeans, and a black crew neck sweatshirt and rhinestone earrings and i look cute :)


Sgadan is back, bearing gifts of Harrington jackets, armchair republicanism, quantum theory, obscure post-punk bands, and bitterness. Any craic?

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Yeah, I need a headshot and some stuff to add to my portfolio. :)

Do you model???????????

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Yeah, I need a headshot and some stuff to add to my portfolio. :)

Do you model???????????

Reed's a theatre kid.

Ok lol

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howdy claud
it could be a lot better that’s for damn sure
how's it hanging out for you?


It's going pretty decently ig. tomorrow is the last practice of our winter semester or orchestra and I'm sad.
I'm sorry
you can talk to me anytime I know we haven't been talking a lot but like I'll still be here if you ever need to rant or something :))

Deleted user

aw that sucks. I wish you had all-year orchestra like i did. god blesseth thee my child.

yeah. if u wanna know more i’d be more than happy to explain in the PM but it’s just like, stuff i can’t handle u kno? i’ll be ok

i wanna talk to u more tho ngl


ughghdksfd me too
there's this cute girl next to me and last week she was all pretending to sleep on my shoulder and she said my hair was pretty and I think she called me cute djdjjsjdj

yes please, I'm kinda worried bout you sometimes
me too though