forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

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Hello Venus!
And whoever asked about Poly relationships, hello, im in one 😊

On anothwr note, I ended up being okay, but we have two casts and we're here late. The other cast got to eat bef9re us.

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Yo Venus
The name is Miriam
Or Miri
Bisexual bitch
depresso espresso

y e e t

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Hello Venus!
And whoever asked about Poly relationships, hello, im in one 😊

On anothwr note, I ended up being okay, but we have two casts and we're here late. The other cast got to eat bef9re us.

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Hello, everyone welcome my friend @venus (thats not her name, thats just what she goes by)
I'm want her to be active, but she refuses to talk sooooo I'm forcing her to! ^-^




I just had a fucking argument with my dad and I'm in tears(laughing)

I brought up how the word dude is weird because generally it implies masculinity, yet it's absolutely acceptable to say "hey dude" to someone regardless of their gender and my dad completely flipped his shit about it lmfao, it was equal parts painful and hilarious

@Moxie group


I just had a fucking argument with my dad and I'm in tears(laughing)

I brought up how the word dude is weird because generally it implies masculinity, yet it's absolutely acceptable to say "hey dude" to someone regardless of their gender and my dad completely flipped his shit about it lmfao, it was equal parts painful and hilarious

My dad flipped the fuck out when I called him dude once
Like bruh chill out I call everyone dude
Even my mom was like tf?

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I just had a fucking argument with my dad and I'm in tears(laughing)

I brought up how the word dude is weird because generally it implies masculinity, yet it's absolutely acceptable to say "hey dude" to someone regardless of their gender and my dad completely flipped his shit about it lmfao, it was equal parts painful and hilarious

My dad flipped the fuck out when I called him dude once
Like bruh chill out I call everyone dude
Even my mom was like tf?

My mom flipped once because I called her a boomer

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Hi venus im your local lesbian Virginia, im always sad and I always bring relationship drama because I fall for the wrong people so big yee

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Hi venus im your local lesbian Virginia, im always sad and I always bring relationship drama because I fall for the wrong people so big yee

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hey venus,, im rayne, or ray for short
male pronouns, but i dont mind what you call me
im also pansexual


Hi venus im your local lesbian Virginia, im always sad and I always bring relationship drama because I fall for the wrong people so big yee

Falling for the wrong people is my SPECIALTY. I feel you sis.