forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

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@Kanaroli group

My friend and I are arguing about Santa, like I know he isn't real butI still like to believe because 1.Polar Express and 2.I don't want to grow up too quickly

@Nie-Huaisang-is-lost-in-the-stars group

My friend and I are arguing about Santa, like I know he isn't real butI still like to believe because 1.Polar Express and 2.I don't want to grow up too quickly

It's okay. You can still believe in Santa and I can still believe in happiness.


I don't believe in Santa mostly cause I like feeling grown up and I find the fact of a grown man sneaking into your house and leaving gifts a pretty creepy thing. I also find happiness in other things

@mozartsnumberonefan group

My friends doing their nails: Painting their long claws neon pink and sparkly
Me, a gay, doing my nails: Cutting them as short as possible, putting clear nail polish on

tfw you play violin and have to keep your nails short and possible

@Nie-Huaisang-is-lost-in-the-stars group

My friends doing their nails: Painting their long claws neon pink and sparkly
Me, a gay, doing my nails: Cutting them as short as possible, putting clear nail polish on

tfw you play violin and have to keep your nails short and possible

That is true. (Meanwhile, I play the cello and have fucking claws(I'm a total failure))

Deleted user

I got paint on my sisters jacket. Worth it though, I got to paint in Drama.

@Bre_is_sick_of_school group

My friends doing their nails: Painting their long claws neon pink and sparkly
Me, a gay, doing my nails: Cutting them as short as possible, putting clear nail polish on

tfw you play violin and have to keep your nails short and possible

That is true. (Meanwhile, I play the cello and have fucking claws(I'm a total failure))

If you are a failure then i am a fucking gay failure

Deleted user

My friends doing their nails: Painting their long claws neon pink and sparkly
Me, a gay, doing my nails: Cutting them as short as possible, putting clear nail polish on

tfw you play violin and have to keep your nails short and possible

That is true. (Meanwhile, I play the cello and have fucking claws(I'm a total failure))

If you are a failure for long nails then I’m a failure to my fellow clarinets for having long nails and breathing problems.

@Moxie group

When your friend is homophobic and stopped having a crush on a guy when she found out he was bi but shamelessly ships gay characters = not it.

@The-Magician group

When your friend is homophobic and stopped having a crush on a guy when she found out he was bi but shamelessly ships gay characters = not it.

Hmmmmmmmm something's not right about that

@Moxie group

Luckily she moved, so I don't have to deal with that shit anymore but still
Her gay ships are popping up all over my pinterest feed cause I follow her, so I was reminded of that

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As someone who has a lot of gay ships and loves all gays I’m slightly offended by your friend. I personally need help. I have a problem.

@Becfromthedead group

Oof, I feel that. My (former) friend isn't homophobic, but she's very into gay ships in a weird way, including shipping real people. (Also only ships gay guys?)
It's super creepy tbh. I still follow her on tumblr and ended up having to block some tags because they were getting on my nerves and I'm too nice to unfollow.


My friends doing their nails: Painting their long claws neon pink and sparkly
Me, a gay, doing my nails: Cutting them as short as possible, putting clear nail polish on

tfw you play violin and have to keep your nails short and possible

tfw you play flute and also have to keep your nails as short as possible

@Elder-God-Whisper work

My friends doing their nails: Painting their long claws neon pink and sparkly
Me, a gay, doing my nails: Cutting them as short as possible, putting clear nail polish on

tfw you play violin and have to keep your nails short and possible

tfw you play flute and also have to keep your nails as short as possible

Lol, I play harmonica, and I DoN'T eVeN pLaY CorRecTlY…. And my nails have nothing to do with it.

Deleted user

Oh mood.
My girlfriends live in Connecticut and the Netherlands :(