forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

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I have a resting 'touch me and I'll tare out your spine and sharpen it into a knife to stab you in the back' face.

@Moxie group

I literally wear black combat boots every day, and I still can't pull off badass
Though maybe I'm not trying enough. I am wearing a light pink sweater today. That doesn't exactly scream badass

@Moxie group

Well I don't exactly have that either. That's actually most of the problem
I have combat boots and blue hair. I could dress in all black and look badass. But I act like I wear pink sweaters

Deleted user

Me: wearing an Oxford level cardigan and is still mildly intimidating. Hey.

Deleted user

Eris, do you have any badass wisdom to impart upon me?

You just have to emit that persona of "I don't really care" out of your eyes while still smiling. Confidence is key. Bubbly is not.

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Am I avoiding memorizing my lines even though I have to be off book in fifteen minutes? MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM YEAH

@The-Magician group

I used to do that when I was cast in productions, it annoyed everyone else at first but when they realised my "talent" was coming from improvisation they had no issue after that.
Gods that takes me back…Alice in Wonderland (Lady in waiting to the red queen), Wind in the Willows (Jailer's kid), A Christmas Carol (Cratchet kid), Les Miserables (Eponine), the production we put on at the end of Year 6 (THE MAIN LEAD)..
I'm not going to lie, I miss being part of productions and being given solos—I just don't have the confidence to go and audition for anything. Last time I auditioned for something was this:

@HighPockets group

I'm going to die, wish me well. :)

Best of luck, babe! Getting off book sucks (trust me, I had to be off book for Shakespeare in 2 weeks) but your castmates are there to help you!

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Can anyone explain polyamory to me?
I'm stupid and curious

it means you are in more than one relationship at any one time and you are all recognised as a relationship

@Moxie group

So there's different kinds (something I did not use to know)
One of them is like three or more people in a loving relationship together. Like they're all dating each other at the same time. Its not like A is dating B and also C on the side. Its like A and B and C are all dating each other.
Or A is dating B and C on the side, but B knows it and is okay with it
Its basically a consensual relationship with multiple people

@Moxie group

Hello, everyone welcome my friend @venus (thats not her name, thats just what she goes by)
I'm want her to be active, but she refuses to talk sooooo I'm forcing her to! ^-^