forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

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How did you guys realize you weren't straight? I've been thinking about my feelings lately and I think I might not be.

I kissed my boyfriend's sister and went "OooooOOoOoooOOoOOOooooOOOh–I'm bisexual."

@GameMaster group

How did you guys realize you weren't straight? I've been thinking about my feelings lately and I think I might not be.

Idk just kinda happened. Mostly I realized that I thought a lot of girls were pretty but I didn’t want to look like them. I think that’s what separates admiration from attraction. That was almost a year ago and I’m now out to my family and all my friends so be patient. Things take time.


Wait @kmart-’s name is Claudia?
gets excited because my character in the show that I’m in is named Claudia

aww that's awesome!!
what show?

It’s a Christmas show that are directors wrote. It’s called WVYT: The Family Holiday TV Network. I play the sponsor, and the best and most iconic character :)


Wait @kmart-’s name is Claudia?
gets excited because my character in the show that I’m in is named Claudia

aww that's awesome!!
what show?

It’s a Christmas show that are directors wrote. It’s called WVYT: The Family Holiday TV Network. I play the sponsor, and the best and most iconic character :)

ah! That’s so cool!! Finally my name is used for something other then a random French dude

Deleted user

How did you guys realize you weren't straight? I've been thinking about my feelings lately and I think I might not be.

I'm bisexual. For me, I think I realized I wasn't 100% into guys because I was always kinda boy crazy growing up {although I think there's always been a slight interest in females}, but suddenly that just stopped around age 11 or so. This was really weird. And then I kind of started noticing things about females. Then, I found out what bisexuality was.

I knew I was bi from the moment I heard the definition. A few months later I came out to some friends at a party, and I just got this euphoric feeling; I knew it was right.

I started preferring girls. A lot. And then I went a bit back towards guys. And then girls again.

Now, I'm, like, 85% girls and 15% guys on the daily.

That's my Gay Story.


How did you guys realize you weren't straight? I've been thinking about my feelings lately and I think I might not be.

i caught feelings for a girl when i was 14 and later realized i'd always known i liked girls but kind of,,,,,skirted around it bc it felt like something perverted, especially growing up in romania. whenever i did something too gay (like dress my dress-up dolls in the skimpiest clothing i could) i remember i used to promise myself i'd never ever tell my future husband and i'd like, imagine this therapy session and i'd tell them in a really roundabout way that i have gross thoughts and it would be like, a secret issue that i'd have to treat. which is all pretty funny in hindsight but it was terrifying when i was ten.
when i caught feelings i already had gay friends so i went online and googled sexualities and i was like 'oh im bi okay cool' and it just. Made sense. i never even struggled to accept it, it just clicked
later that same year i realized i was trans but that's a more complicated story

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I drank a pot of coffee and i feel like I could defeat all homophobes,
and I also came to the realization that if anyone shows me any kind of attention I will fall for them, so big yee to that
Do yall have any music recommendations, because im tired of listening to the same things on a loop


I drank a pot of coffee and i feel like I could defeat all homophobes,
and I also came to the realization that if anyone shows me any kind of attention I will fall for them, so big yee to that
Do yall have any music recommendations, because im tired of listening to the same things on a loop

That’s literally my life today


i was feeling not so hot this morning and so one of my guy friends (who is asexual and hates being touched and doesnt usually touch people) came up and HUGGED ME and then picked me up BRIDAL STYLE and carried me over to my GIRLFRIEND and ugh i love him

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Yeah, I need a headshot and some stuff to add to my portfolio. :)

Do you model???????????

Reed's a theatre kid.

And I model for my photography friend :)

@Elder-God-Whisper work

Yeah, I need a headshot and some stuff to add to my portfolio. :)

Do you model???????????

Reed's a theatre kid.

And I model for my photography friend :)

OOOOh, lucky them! I really need to get my BF to model for me at some point.

Deleted user

Yeah, I need a headshot and some stuff to add to my portfolio. :)

Do you model???????????

Reed's a theatre kid.

And I model for my photography friend :)

OOOOh, lucky them! I really need to get my BF to model for me at some point.

Yeah, not much and I don't get paid for the modeling, but it's fun and I get free cosplay photos.

@Elder-God-Whisper work

Yeah, I need a headshot and some stuff to add to my portfolio. :)

Do you model???????????

Reed's a theatre kid.

And I model for my photography friend :)

OOOOh, lucky them! I really need to get my BF to model for me at some point.

Yeah, not much and I don't get paid for the modeling, but it's fun and I get free cosplay photos.

OH you cosplay!?!?

Deleted user

I mostly do my own characters, but I cosplay sanders sides and TAZ.


Yeah, I need a headshot and some stuff to add to my portfolio. :)

Do you model???????????

Reed's a theatre kid.

And I model for my photography friend :)

OOOOh, lucky them! I really need to get my BF to model for me at some point.

anytime, babe ;)