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Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

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I've been meaning to ask this but I've never had the chance until now. Sorry for the subject change but…

I had a falling out with a "friend" who happened to also practice witchcraft and we have a mutual friend who practices darker magicks. How can I protect myself from possible hexes/curses?

Deleted user

Uh, I'd say ask Eris.
I'm still a baby and don't have a lot of protections. I can look up some stuff for you, if you'd like?

@HighPockets group

I've been meaning to ask this but I've never had the chance until now. Sorry for the subject change but…

I had a falling out with a "friend" who happened to also practice witchcraft and we have a mutual friend who practices darker magicks. How can I protect myself from possible hexes/curses?

Curse them first
Is the mutual friend still a friend of yours? Could you ask them not to curse you and explain the falling out?

@Kanaroli group

I've been meaning to ask this but I've never had the chance until now. Sorry for the subject change but…

I had a falling out with a "friend" who happened to also practice witchcraft and we have a mutual friend who practices darker magicks. How can I protect myself from possible hexes/curses?

I'm a baby witch too, so sorry I can't help :c


I've been meaning to ask this but I've never had the chance until now. Sorry for the subject change but…

I had a falling out with a "friend" who happened to also practice witchcraft and we have a mutual friend who practices darker magicks. How can I protect myself from possible hexes/curses?

Curse them first
Is the mutual friend still a friend of yours? Could you ask them not to curse you and explain the falling out?

as much as I'd like to, I don't have the materials. The only thing I can cast is a "get out of my life" spell thingy but I would have to do it without a casting circle and I ain't experienced enough for that

They're still a friend, but we don't know each other very well. I can only hope they aren't mad at me for whatever reason, but who knows. They're in a negative headspace and have known the cocksucker longer than they have known me.


Okay but they're so adorkable?? I frikin love them

And hey! That's great man! I wanna do that but it's a big nope since i live with my mom still

oh yeah im super duper closeted at home my parents threatened me not to say anything but hey it's my last yr and ppl at this school keep privacy like they should so it'll be fine

Deleted user

Okay but they're so adorkable?? I frikin love them

And hey! That's great man! I wanna do that but it's a big nope since i live with my mom still

oh yeah im super duper closeted at home my parents threatened me not to say anything but hey it's my last yr and ppl at this school keep privacy like they should so it'll be fine

Makes sense, i just have an intense fear that someone from school is going to tell my mom or somehow she's going to find out

But it's good that you were able to do that, your parents shouldn't tell you what to do regarding your sexuality


Makes sense, i just have an intense fear that someone from school is going to tell my mom or somehow she's going to find out

But it's good that you were able to do that, your parents shouldn't tell you what to do regarding your sexuality

yeah i did too and then just. stopped giving a shit
i've been steadily more obvious in the over-the-top flirting i do with my best friend at school so i dont think anyone would be surprised

Deleted user

My girlfriend made the absolute mistake of letting me on her Tik Tok account and I made a bunch of sappy and meme shit.


hi loves, its me, loops, back from the dead,,,
do ya'll remember mia? and how im dating her? yeah thats pretty cool but guess what
so she recently told me she feels uncomfortable with her chest even though she knows she's a cis female. i love that and support her and im smuggling her a chest binder for christmas. problem? i have zero knowledge about chest binders. some assistance please?

Deleted user

Go right ahead if you want to look things up. It'll help both of us. I hope Eris doesn't mind being tagged… @Eris-Goddess-Of-Badassery


I would not resort to cursing them first or casting any kind of 'rid yourself of…' spell. You do not want to bring that kind of energy into your life. Instead focus on cleansing yourself (probably every day for safety) and building your aura to be strong against malicious thoughts and energies. Protection spells and good merit casts are what you want to focus on.
Rely on your deity(ies) and be open with them. Let them know that you require extra love and protection because you are afraid. Give an offering in asking and in thanks.

If you use crystals I would place an amethyst/jasper/Black Tourmaline/rose quartz/moonstone at your window and one on either side of your bedroom door. This will protect your space.


Go right ahead if you want to look things up. It'll help both of us. I hope Eris doesn't mind being tagged… @Eris-Goddess-Of-Badassery


I would not resort to cursing them first or casting any kind of 'rid yourself of…' spell. You do not want to bring that kind of energy into your life. Instead focus on cleansing yourself (probably every day for safety) and building your aura to be strong against malicious thoughts and energies. Protection spells and good merit casts are what you want to focus on.
Rely on your deity(ies) and be open with them. Let them know that you require extra love and protection because you are afraid. Give an offering in asking and in thanks.

If you use crystals I would place an amethyst/jasper/Black Tourmaline/rose quartz/moonstone at your window and one on either side of your bedroom door. This will protect your space.

Will do. Thank you for your wisdom, Eris. I will definitely be following through with a lot of this.


I've cleansed the two places I'm most vulnerable (bedroom and bathroom), I put up charged (as charged as they can be with a sick witch) protection sigils at all of the entrances, and set up a date with Aion, my current deity. I'm still trying to get to know Irene, so I went with the one I've known the longest up first.