forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

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@Moxie group

whispers I'm GMT so when you guys are all wide awake I'm supposed to be asleep. Half the time I stay up until 4AM just to try and talk to you all.

I know, I notice
Stop that, I like talking to you but its not good for you
Lol but sometimes I've stayed up so late that its the next day for you Lee

@The-Magician group

whispers I'm GMT so when you guys are all wide awake I'm supposed to be asleep. Half the time I stay up until 4AM just to try and talk to you all.

I know, I notice
Stop that, I like talking to you but its not good for you
Lol but sometimes I've stayed up so late that its the next day for you Lee

What do you mean??

@Moxie group

Yeah it was only like 11 but it was still trippy
I thought about messaging you being like "hows tomorrow" but I was really tired and I probably would've ended up saying something crazy (besides that lol)
I do that when I’m tired

Deleted user

H e y
Mox, sending out c r a c k h e a d r e s p o n s e s i s m y j o b

Deleted user

your jobs been stolen bro

We'll have to battle it out to the death then.
It's decided.


My teacher is writing a book where the 'bad guy' is gay and she asked me and my homies is that offensive for you guys and said "I don't want you to be offended" Like YAY my teacher cares for me and my insane gay bros

@Moxie group

Today's aesthetic: Dark grey shirt with stars on it. Black jeans, black boots. Black and white flannel. Feelin cool. Feelin gay.