forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

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Okay so like I got this award from a thing called Duke TIP and so they had this awards ceremony and my crush was there in this beautiful dress and like w o w I remember seeing her and just kinda !!! hit a wall and was like "am i gay??" and still dismissed it cuz there's no way I could be gay, right?
And then the next day was May 18th 2018, the same day as the Santa Fe Shooting. That shooting was like a few hours from where my school is and we had a lockdown that day. Everyone was super paranoid, including me and that led to some very last thoughts. And meanwhile my crush was being adorable and booping my nose and I looked at her and just realized that I was definitely crushing on her. Like I just had a moment and realized it


Is there any peeps here who were on the “I rant about my crush” chat that was a while ago?

i was (i think)

I asked this because if the people who were on there remember I talked about my crush and we’re dating now and turned out she had had a crush on me too



Is there any peeps here who were on the “I rant about my crush” chat that was a while ago?

i was (i think)

I asked this because if the people who were on there remember I talked about my crush and we’re dating now and turned out she had had a crush on me too


Oh my gosh Euric that's awesome!!!!!

@Becfromthedead group

So I've been an ally for a while. Most of my friends are LGBT+, so I was already around people who weren't straight/cis.
I realized I wasn't exactly straight during Ace visibility week, I think? I can't remember which year it was tbh. I read the descriptions for demisexual, and I was like, "wait a second… You mean to tell me I'm not stuck-up and picky? There's a word for what I feel?"
Still not sure what genders I'm attracted to though… I'm with a guy, but I mean, girls and people of other genders are cool too, so idk.

Deleted user

some days, i'm 100% certain that I am gay, and then other days I question if maybe I'm bi, and some days I just flip.the fuck out and convince myself Im doing it all for attention.


some days, i'm 100% certain that I am gay, and then other days I question if maybe I'm bi, and some days I just flip.the fuck out and convince myself Im doing it all for attention.

I don't think you're doing it for attention. I think you're sincere, I think you're valid, and I think you're a valuable member of the LGBTQ+ community!


Yeah both my gender and sexuality are the stereotypical indecisive/not a real member of the community ones

Oh hush, you're valid too! You may doubt yourself, but I don't, and even if you do come to an ultimately different decision, I'll still support it!

Deleted user

oh I doubt myself all the fucking time
(both are hard tho, we'll get through it)


oh I doubt myself all the fucking time
(both are hard tho, we'll get through it)

That's right, keep on pushing and you will get through whatever hardship your face! Are there it relates to gender and sexuality, or everyday life!


Yeah, very rarely do I doubt myself because I don’t give myself a label until I’m sure (hence why I don’t know my gay moment). But I do doubt if I’m doing the right thing in being me, ayyy good Christian child.

Being you is always the right thing, no matter what anyone else tells you! You know why? Because you're the most amazing person you can be!

@HighPockets group

I was at the high school I'm attending next year for a tournament and I saw a poster for their GSA and it had an ace flag on it!!!!!
And also genderqueer and genderfluid flags!


I was at the high school I'm attending next year for a tournament and I saw a poster for their GSA and it had an ace flag on it!!!!!
And also genderqueer and genderfluid flags!

YAS (fun fact we put an ace flag on our poster too)

@HighPockets group

I was at the high school I'm attending next year for a tournament and I saw a poster for their GSA and it had an ace flag on it!!!!!
And also genderqueer and genderfluid flags!

YAS (fun fact we put an ace flag on our poster too)

Another school I had a scrimmage at (ironically the one I'd have attended if I hadn't moved) had a GSA collage of pretty much every flag!


Is there any peeps here who were on the “I rant about my crush” chat that was a while ago?

i was (i think)

I asked this because if the people who were on there remember I talked about my crush and we’re dating now and turned out she had had a crush on me too


Oh my gosh Euric that's awesome!!!!!

They’re also on too, and when they first joined I was just praying they wouldn’t find the chat and they didn’t so that’s good at least. We ended up realizing each other’s feeling due to her being late to a hangout me and a few of my friends wanted to have at my house and we were playing truth or dare and they realized I had a crush on her so they swore they would get us together despite my protests and when she arrived they asked her who she had a crush on and she whispered it into one person’s ear who then announced it to everyone and one thing led to another and I have a girlfriend now.

@HighPockets group

My crush is also on Notebook but she hasn't used her account in a while. So I guess I know 2 Notebook user irl (my crush and my bff Turzelle)