forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

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actually i kind of do have a crush and it"s a girl does that automaticaly mean i"m bi , pan , omni and stuff

There are many different types of attraction, including:

Sexual attraction: attraction that makes people desire sexual contact or shows sexual interest in another person(s).
Romantic attraction: attraction that makes people desire romantic contact or interaction with another person or persons.
Aesthetic attraction: occurs when someone appreciates the appearance or beauty of another person(s), disconnected from sexual or romantic attraction.
Sensual attraction: the desire to interact with others in a tactile, non-sexual way, such as through hugging or cuddling.
Emotional attraction: the desire to get to know someone, often as a result of their personality instead of their physicality. This type of attraction is present in most relationships from platonic friendships to romantic and sexual relationships.
Intellectual attraction: the desire to engage with another in an intellectual manner, such as engaging in conversation with them, “picking their brain,” and it has more to do with what or how a person thinks instead of the person themselves.

In understanding identities and attractions, it is important to remember that orientation and attraction do not necessarily define or predict behavior. This is another important reason why it is important to ask people how they identify, as you cannot assume you know someone’s identity based on their behavior. This also means that you cannot assume what types of relationships or behaviors a person will engage in simply by knowing how they identify.

Sexual identities and romantic orientations are not linked and therefore a person could be asexual, aromantic, neither, or both asexual and aromantic.

Many aromantic individuals may still desire relationships and experiences various types of attractions to others.

One of these types of relationships is referred to as queerplatonic relationships (QPRs). Queerplatonic Relationships (QPRs) are those relationships that are not romantic in nature but they involve very close emotional connections that are often deeper or more intense than what is traditionally considered a friendship. Since there is not adequate language to describe queerplatonic partners, some people refer to these partners as zucchini.
Squish is a term used to identify aromantic crushes; the desire for a non-romantic/platonic relationship with another person.

Romantic orientation describes an individual’s pattern of romantic attraction based on a person’s gender(s) regardless of one’s sexual orientation. For individuals who experience sexual attraction, their sexual orientation and romantic orientation are often in alignment (i.e. they experience sexual attraction toward individuals of the same gender(s) as the individuals they are interested in forming romantic relationships with).

Don't jump to conclusions. Take your time, and figure out who you are. I'm not saying you can't question, I'm just saying, wait for these things to come. It takes most years to find their identity, so don't sweat it! I'm here to support all the way!


I've still been questioning sexuality. I think I'm bi, but I might be lesbian. I just don't even now anymore.

Some people who are bi, (like me) like one gender a lot more than the other. But you figure yourself out hun!

I prefer girls. It's just hard to not know. I've been questioning for a long time and when I finally figured it out, it turns out I haven't.


actually i kind of do have a crush and it"s a girl does that automaticaly mean i"m bi , pan , omni and stuff

There are many different types of attraction, including:

Sexual attraction: attraction that makes people desire sexual contact or shows sexual interest in another person(s).
Romantic attraction: attraction that makes people desire romantic contact or interaction with another person or persons.
Aesthetic attraction: occurs when someone appreciates the appearance or beauty of another person(s), disconnected from sexual or romantic attraction.
Sensual attraction: the desire to interact with others in a tactile, non-sexual way, such as through hugging or cuddling.
Emotional attraction: the desire to get to know someone, often as a result of their personality instead of their physicality. This type of attraction is present in most relationships from platonic friendships to romantic and sexual relationships.
Intellectual attraction: the desire to engage with another in an intellectual manner, such as engaging in conversation with them, “picking their brain,” and it has more to do with what or how a person thinks instead of the person themselves.

In understanding identities and attractions, it is important to remember that orientation and attraction do not necessarily define or predict behavior. This is another important reason why it is important to ask people how they identify, as you cannot assume you know someone’s identity based on their behavior. This also means that you cannot assume what types of relationships or behaviors a person will engage in simply by knowing how they identify.

Sexual identities and romantic orientations are not linked and therefore a person could be asexual, aromantic, neither, or both asexual and aromantic.

Many aromantic individuals may still desire relationships and experiences various types of attractions to others.

One of these types of relationships is referred to as queerplatonic relationships (QPRs). Queerplatonic Relationships (QPRs) are those relationships that are not romantic in nature but they involve very close emotional connections that are often deeper or more intense than what is traditionally considered a friendship. Since there is not adequate language to describe queerplatonic partners, some people refer to these partners as zucchini.
Squish is a term used to identify aromantic crushes; the desire for a non-romantic/platonic relationship with another person.

Romantic orientation describes an individual’s pattern of romantic attraction based on a person’s gender(s) regardless of one’s sexual orientation. For individuals who experience sexual attraction, their sexual orientation and romantic orientation are often in alignment (i.e. they experience sexual attraction toward individuals of the same gender(s) as the individuals they are interested in forming romantic relationships with).

Don't jump to conclusions. Take your time, and figure out who you are. I'm not saying you can't question, I'm just saying, wait for these things to come. It takes most years to find their identity, so don't sweat it! I'm here to support all the way!

the crush i have is kind of secual but i actually want t o be with them 2


Shuri: helping people understand their emotions and attraction
Me: You know what feelings can go FUCK themselves I'm gonna go eat red vines


Shuri: helping people understand their emotions and attraction
Me: You know what feelings can go FUCK themselves I'm gonna go eat red vines

I'm not that big a deal you guys.


I'm messed up in general. I cried last night because my short-lived dream where I was a princess and dating a beautiful princess and I was happy and I owned 5 cats… was not real.


Shuri: helping people understand their emotions and attraction
Me: You know what feelings can go FUCK themselves I'm gonna go eat red vines

I'm not that big a deal you guys.

You are a big deal to me.


I'm messed up in general. I cried last night because my short-lived dream where I was a princess and dating a beautiful princess and I was happy and I owned 5 cats… was not real.

I had a dream where my two best friends were still alive.
So yeah. I cried too.


Shuri: helping people understand their emotions and attraction
Me: You know what feelings can go FUCK themselves I'm gonna go eat red vines

I'm not that big a deal you guys.

You are a big deal to me.

Thancc! You're a big deal to me too!


I deal mostly in Sensual, Romantic, and Emotional attraction. I think sometimes there are sparks of sexual attraction, which is why I don’t say that I’m asexual. Also, I’m not always sure if it’s like sexual attraction or just really strong aesthetic attraction.


also could it be dat liking girls as a girl could just be a temprary thing with puberty cause i"m hormones are probably messed up

You never know. For some it is. For others it ain't.