forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

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Does anyone else think the shrine priests from no game no life looks kinda hot? Just me? Ok.

what's that?

No Game No Life is a manga(pretty sure it's an anime too but don't quote me on that). A shit ton of sexual stuff too. I borrowed volume 1 from my library because my friend said it was good. I instantly regretted it and hid it from my parents until I could return it because I couldn't go five pages without seeing a panty shot.

asexual struggling

Deleted user

Does anyone else think the shrine priests from no game no life looks kinda hot? Just me? Ok.

what's that?

No Game No Life is a manga(pretty sure it's an anime too but don't quote me on that). A shit ton of sexual stuff too. I borrowed volume 1 from my library because my friend said it was good. I instantly regretted it and hid it from my parents until I could return it because I couldn't go five pages without seeing a panty shot.

asexual struggling

Oof…True dat.


Me @ people who try to say everyone is a little adhd:
“ADHD is a form of brain development disorder. This is because people with ADHD generally tend to have a less developed caudate nucleus, putamen, nucleus accumbens, pallidum, thalamus, amygdala, and the hippocampus. ”

“For example, the amygdala is the part of the brain that is responsible for functions such as memory, emotions, and decision making. An adult with ADHD would then have a much smaller amygdala, thus resulting in their inability to focus, and their rejection sensitivity.”

Yes. That is a good point. Lots of people overuse or misuse terms for many mental disorders.


Me @ people who try to say everyone is a little adhd:
“ADHD is a form of brain development disorder. This is because people with ADHD generally tend to have a less developed caudate nucleus, putamen, nucleus accumbens, pallidum, thalamus, amygdala, and the hippocampus. ”

“For example, the amygdala is the part of the brain that is responsible for functions such as memory, emotions, and decision making. An adult with ADHD would then have a much smaller amygdala, thus resulting in their inability to focus, and their rejection sensitivity.”

Yes. That is a good point. Lots of people overuse or misuse terms for many mental disorders.

It bothers me so much when people try to down play ADHD and tell me I’m using it as an excuse.


This is the third day of school being closed due to snow. I'm kinda sad since I can't see my friends. It's sorta like that time last month where I was really sick so I couldn't go to school for over three weeks, except I know I'll see them again soon and also I'm not stressed cause I don't have to worry about schoolwork I'm missing.

@HighPockets group

This is the third day of school being closed due to snow. I'm kinda sad since I can't see my friends. It's sorta like that time last month where I was really sick so I couldn't go to school for over three weeks, except I know I'll see them again soon and also I'm not stressed cause I don't have to worry about schoolwork I'm missing.

I've had 6 cold weather days in the past 2 weeks.


I just found out that one of the people who works in the psychology department of my college does research for Autism $peaks and I am about ten seconds away from getting the hell out of my this major. I'll admit, I wasn't too upset about it at first, but the more I think about what that implies about the beliefs of the psychology department at my school the more pissed off I get and the more and more certain I become that changing my major is the right decision. I don't want anything to do with someone who works for them. nuh uh not happening. I quit. im out nope nope nope nope nope. I cannot be around faculty members who support that. I won't. I refuse. AND Im pissed that the way that I found out was by asking my teacher why the only source on the powerpoint slides about autism was Autism Speaks. Apparently one of his coworkers, who he did not name, does research for them. He supports them on the basis of them being the biggest organization that does research and raises awareness, and I mean they do, which is nice, i guess, but they really stigmatise autism and I just have so many overwhelming reasons to hate them that the good is so overshadowed that it no longer matters. I just… it makes me so mad. Im so…. disappointed and I feel so betrayed. I… I don't even know how to truly express how upset I am over this. I thought my school would be a safe place, I thought the psychology department of all places would be a safe place, but apparently not and I just asdhjfnajksldafafsdafsdgfdrgfdemnh

Deleted user

Eurgh…. well, I'm not a fan. They want to "cure" autism and have like, zero neurodiversity on their board. I mean, more severe cases of autism do need help, yeah, but for people like me with lesser cases, I don't see why it's a problem really.


Autism Speaks/ Autism $peaks is an organization that "supports" Autistic people.

  • they have supported abusive parents by portraying autism as a terrible, life ruining affliction and openly sympathising with parents who have admitted to contemplating murdering their autistic children
  • they call autism a disease
  • only 1% of all donated money actually goes towards research. (hence $peaks) Most of the money they raise goes towards marketing and catering
  • they took the word cure out of their mission statement only this past summer. because they recognise autism comes in many forms and that there is "not one autism so there can be no one cure". on the outside, this looks like denial of wanting a cure, but looking into the rest of what they say, it's essentially saying that they still want a cure for autism, as in now that they recognise that it's genetic, they want to prevent people with autism from being born
  • they actively keep autistic people out of positions of leadership within their organization

I want to be clear, I agree wholeheartedly that it is important to help people with autism, and im all for helping support and potentially take are of kids with autism. Heck I kinda want that as my job. But the thing is, Autism Speaks cares more about making everyone around the autistic person happy than making the autistic person happy. They care more about supporting the family than the child. They want to make autistic people appear typical, which can have benefits but has been shown to be very harmful to the autistic person. There is a difference between help and support and, 'let's help you develop some skills that can help you function better and do well in the future' and 'let's change you and make you more normal by punishing you for expressing yourself in a way that comes naturally and force you to do things that are painful for you' and Autism Speaks engages in the latter while making it look like the former.