forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

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Not on the outside. That's all people care about these days. I just want someone who loves me for who I am.

I feel you there. I like to consider myself a pretty self respecting person, and I still don't believe that I'm that attractive. I used to think that I would be that one person who didn't date anyone and never got asked out to dances. But here I am three years later in a fricken fracken relationship with someone who likes me for who I am. There will always be someone out there tht will love you no matter your appearance. It may not be now or next week, or even five years from now, but I can assure you that one day you will find the one that is the missing piece of your life.

Edit: Also, to go with @"Lemon Boi" 's point, there's no rush to be in a relationship. I know from others' experiences that they can suck sometimes. Be happy with where you are right now. Live in the moment. Things will fall into place eventually.


Soooooo does anybody watch Andi Mack???
Like the latest episode has me dead
Im gonna rant about this episode so many spoilers ahead

@Becfromthedead group

Considering that you just said the words "gay" and "panic attack" when talking about a Disney show? I think so. That's all really important stuff to talk about. Much different from the shows I watched growing up, and honestly it's refreshing.


Agreed. Not only does it have LGBT rep, and an anxiety storyline, this episode itself had some good Jewish rep and a short loss storyline. They've also talked about gun control, racism, sexism, had a deaf character (only a few episodes but still).
Like it might be small things in the show, but they're really important nonetheless and are shown to be important too.

@Becfromthedead group

They are important. A few episodes here and there that tackle a host of problems can make a big difference, and I'm sure they teach a lot of important things to kids whose parents won't address "controversial" issues and such.


Celebrate the fact that you still have freedom are single! Being in a relationship is way too hyped up, you're fine just the way you are and don't need a significant other to prove that.

Yep! There's not really anything bad about being in a relationship (as long as it's healthy) but there's not really anything bad about not being in one. If you're looking to be in a relationship, who're we to stop you, but you don't need to date someone to prove what a good person you are. Just remember to be yourself above anything.

Deleted user

Is it kinda silly that I want someone to like, ask me out on Valentine’s Day? Like it won’t happen but it would be nice and idk

@The-Magician group

Valentine's day I plan to be home alone with the alcohol trying my damn hardest to get drunk XD

Same sweetie. Same.

It's like I have a partner, but we don't do anything for VD, and since my parents will be out I have to stay at home with their children. Lemme just grab the vodka and pray that for once I won't stay sober XD

@The-Magician group

Oh my gods I need!!
Alcohol is such a weird thing. Most of it to me tastes disgusting (I have a refined palette idk), but for some reason that didn't stop me for drinking from 5pm to 9am one weekend in November?? I'm not an alcoholic I swear XD


It's the middle of the night and I'm trying to sleep but my brother (whose room mine shares a thin wall with) is playing video games online and iS TALKING TO PEOPLE LOUDLY


Not on the outside. That's all people care about these days. I just want someone who loves me for who I am.

I feel you there. I like to consider myself a pretty self respecting person, and I still don't believe that I'm that attractive. I used to think that I would be that one person who didn't date anyone and never got asked out to dances. But here I am three years later in a fricken fracken relationship with someone who likes me for who I am. There will always be someone out there tht will love you no matter your appearance. It may not be now or next week, or even five years from now, but I can assure you that one day you will find the one that is the missing piece of your life.

Edit: Also, to go with @"Lemon Boi" 's point, there's no rush to be in a relationship. I know from others' experiences that they can suck sometimes. Be happy with where you are right now. Live in the moment. Things will fall into place eventually.

True. I've just been made fun of my whole life and I have a low self esteem. I feel like I need someone to love me that way so I know that I'm actually worth something to someone.