forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

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Yeah. I’m in bed rn and my face is so warm. And I have this headache. And I’m hungry but don’t know what I should eat. Idk what my flavor tolerance is rn. I think I’m okay to eat whatever. I’d rather eat something cold than hot. But I’m hungry. Idk I’m kinda tired and there’s this pressure in my head and behind my eyes.

@Becfromthedead group

I hope you feel better soon, Overdone… Take care of yourself, and please stay hydrated.
I get really irrationally worried when people have higher-grade fevers… sorry…


I hope you feel better soon, Overdone… Take care of yourself, and please stay hydrated.
I get really irrationally worried when people have higher-grade fevers… sorry…

I’ll be fine I promise. I’m super tough and my immune system is amazing. I’ll get better.


I hope you feel better soon, Overdone… Take care of yourself, and please stay hydrated.
I get really irrationally worried when people have higher-grade fevers… sorry…

I’ll be fine I promise. I’m super tough and my immune system is amazing. I’ll get better.

Damn straight my Yurio-bean!


Oh shit. That sucks. Wow. Nobody is having a good day today. Jeez, I'm sorry. Sending prayers to every higher power there is!

My kind of praying hell yeah. That’s like agnostic praying right there. Just pray to whatever is listening and hope it’s not an asshole.


Oh shit. That sucks. Wow. Nobody is having a good day today. Jeez, I'm sorry. Sending prayers to every higher power there is!

My kind of praying hell yeah. That’s like agnostic praying right there. Just pray to whatever is listening and hope it’s not an asshole.

If it is I'll devour it and gain its powers, and zap you back to health!


I love how everyone's being like "stay safe!!!" and I'm just "oof"
tho seriously take care of yourself. I get sick so often I'm just kinda used to it by now and am chill but remember still to drink lots of liquids and shit or else


Good news: my fever is below 100 now. I think it was 99.7 maybe. I have eaten real food and I feel fine (like I know it’s gonna stay down) and my headache is gone. I can think enough to do work bc idk if i’ll be able to go to school Monday but I’m preparing for the event that I do; I need to be ready with all my work.