forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

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We used to have a GSA club and the guy who ran it went and got trained to be able to help lgbtq+ people and it was always on the announcements and stuff and I heard about it a lot but that guy graduated and since then I've heard nothing of it or even if it exists sadly

@Moxie group

Oh that sucks
I'm trying to come out to my friend who's in a musical with me. I was debating for a long time whether or not to come out to her (cause I don't really trust people irl knowing I'm bi) but I know she's not straight so I don't really think she would tell anyone. But I'm never alone with her! People who I don't want to overhear are always with us! And I don't wanna pull her off to the side because I feel like that's too dramatic for just saying one thing. Ugh. Hopefully, I'm alone with her soon.


If you do tell her, make sure she knows that you’re not out to everyone and that it needs to be kept on the DL. My friend (friend a) is bi (well, questioning I guess, but defined not straight she’s decided.) and another friend (friend b) told another friend (friend c) and my friend (friend a) was pissed.


so guess what my teacher pointedly decided we WEREN'T going to talk about in class today???? sexuality.
guess who doesn't know exactly how safe it is to come out to their class because we didn't have that conversation??? ME THAT'S WHO! -_-
im kinda happy I got to avoid a potentially bad conversation and/or a conversation where I just opened up my mouth and went off on the homophobes. but at the same time im disappointed because now IDK if it's a good idea or a bad idea to come out to my class.

@The-Magician group

Hey i'm sorry to hear that. If you don't know whether it is a good or bad idea to come out to the class then don't tell them yet. Give yourself time to properly think about it so then you're confident in what you want to say if you do say anything, don't think you have to rush telling them if you're not 100% certain that you actually want to.


Hey i'm sorry to hear that. If you don't know whether it is a good or bad idea to come out to the class then don't tell them yet. Give yourself time to properly think about it so then you're confident in what you want to say if you do say anything, don't think you have to rush telling them if you're not 100% certain that you actually want to.

Lee here is totally right!

@Moxie group

I won’t, I won’t, don’t worry

Ugh I didn’t come out to her guys. I never had the time except once but she had just hurt her toe really badly and it didn’t feel relevant or anything