forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

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When your crush is your best friend but is older than you and she has admitted to being not entirely straight. But she's one of your first crushes and you have no clue what to do.

@The-Magician group

when your crush is one of your friends and you know they aren’t straight but you still know they wouldn’t date you

Honestly that is such a freaking mood, im sorry you're dealing with that


when your crush is one of your friends and you know they aren’t straight but you still know they wouldn’t date you

Honestly that is such a freaking mood, im sorry you're dealing with that

Yeah…I mean she might actually like me but I’ll never actually ask her.

Deleted user

You know you will fully regret not telling them if you never do, your attraction will only grow and grow, it’s better to do it as fast as possible then later. ‘What if o get rejected?’ Yeah sure, you could, but that doesn’t matter, the longer it takes the more anxiety will build, and if you do get rejected (which I highly doubt) you will feel better if it’s sooner then later, plus it will take les time to recover.

Deleted user

What's c o n f i d e n c e ?

Lol mood

H a h a h a h a !
I l o v e a n x i e t y ~

Deleted user

What's c o n f i d e n c e ?

Lol mood

H a h a h a h a !
I l o v e a n x i e t y ~

Me to. lying extremely. god it’s the greatest

Deleted user

What's c o n f i d e n c e ?

Lol mood

H a h a h a h a !
I l o v e a n x i e t y ~

Me to. lying extremely. god it’s the greatest

I know! Don't you just love it when you can't leave your house because of it and extreme paranoia?

Deleted user

What's c o n f i d e n c e ?

Lol mood

H a h a h a h a !
I l o v e a n x i e t y ~

Me to. lying extremely. god it’s the greatest

I know! Don't you just love it when you can't leave your house because of it and extreme paranoia?

Or when you faint before a band performance because you think everyone will stare at you and judge you? Yeah it’s suppppppeeeerrrrr great


What's c o n f i d e n c e ?

Lol mood

H a h a h a h a !
I l o v e a n x i e t y ~

Me to. lying extremely. god it’s the greatest

I know! Don't you just love it when you can't leave your house because of it and extreme paranoia?

Or when you faint before a band performance because you think everyone will stare at you and judge you? Yeah it’s suppppppeeeerrrrr great

or when you have a panic attack in the washroom because of a conversation gone wrong and you’re terrified that you messed everything up and all the guilt and shame comes pouring out?

Deleted user

What's c o n f i d e n c e ?

Lol mood

H a h a h a h a !
I l o v e a n x i e t y ~

Me to. lying extremely. god it’s the greatest

I know! Don't you just love it when you can't leave your house because of it and extreme paranoia?

Or when you faint before a band performance because you think everyone will stare at you and judge you? Yeah it’s suppppppeeeerrrrr great

or when you have a panic attack in the washroom because of a conversation gone wrong and you’re terrified that you messed everything up and all the guilt and shame comes pouring out?

Or when you start a conversation, everything goes silent, then you just awkwardly nod and agree with everything they say but then you realize they are asking a question?


Or when you’re crying yourself to sleep at night because you’d rather die than go back to the awful social climate of school?

Deleted user

Or when you love to perform on stage but everyone on the cast hates you becuase you got a lead in your first time in the school drama cast but they don't listen to you when you say you've been performing since you were little.

Deleted user

Or when your put into a class where the majority of them probably despise you because your a weeb and non of your friends ar ether so in group projects since you hate most of them and don’t know the others you awkwardly sit their and hope to the lord Jesus Christ that you are not put in a group with the worst people


Or when you wish you had the courage to be on stage with a musical theatre group because you love acting, dancing, and singing but freeze up even in front of one person