forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

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@The-Magician group

So my friend came out to me as transgender, and they haven't really told anyone else other than their sister. I've said that I will support them the entire way, since they're thinking of having surgery etc in the future, but what else can I do for them to show my support?


Well I also had a long term best “guy” friend that came out to me as a trans girl. My recommendation is just try to use pronouns as much as you can as well as nicknames that fit with their gender. But don’t be too crazy, they’re still the same person.


Oh AFT, do you I know she likes you or not?

Yeah she doesn't. I'm not sad about it but it's more annoying how extremely flustered and happy I get when I see her face even if it's for like one second


Just make sure you support them and use their pronouns. Be mindful of where you use their pronouns since they're not really out to anyone else. That's really all. They are still the same human you knew before so treat them the same.


They know that, but I want to do something to help them feel more comfortable with their image…i just don't know what

If you're both okay with gift giving then maybe send them their preferred deoderant and/or shampoo to help make them feel more comfortable with hygiene?

@The-Magician group

They know that, but I want to do something to help them feel more comfortable with their image…i just don't know what

If you're both okay with gift giving then maybe send them their preferred deoderant and/or shampoo to help make them feel more comfortable with hygiene?

That's a good idea! I've also said to them that if they ever want to go clothes shopping then I'll go with them


So when I went to Mexico with my family I wasn't expecting it but apparently lgbtq+ is really accepted there or at least where I was I felt like I was surrounded by it, people had rainbow flags hanging on their houses, drag queen shows everywhere and same sex couples walking down the streets holding hands (even saw a couple kissing in public) and lots of things were spray painted rainbow. For some people things like this would be barley noticeable but I noticed it and it just felt so welcomed there and it was a nice feeling to walk around and be surrounded by pride
I don't know if I explained that very well but I hope it helps

@The-Magician group

So when I went to Mexico with my family I wasn't expecting it but apparently lgbtq+ is really accepted there or at least where I was I felt like I was surrounded by it, people had rainbow flags hanging on their houses, drag queen shows everywhere and same sex couples walking down the streets holding hands (even saw a couple kissing in public) and lots of things were spray painted rainbow. For some people things like this would be barley noticeable but I noticed it and it just felt so welcomed there and it was a nice feeling to walk around and be surrounded by pride
I don't know if I explained that very well but I hope it helps

What I'm taking from this is that I need to reassure my friend that they are accepted by not only myself but others that they may not know yet. I'm glad that you felt welcomed where you went ^-^

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