forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

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@Becfromthedead group

Rain is wonderful until it rains for like 2 weeks straight, and is also like 40 degrees outside, plus everything is hilly, so the rain pours downhill like a little river, so you can't even wear shoes because they'll just fill with water.
It's good stay inside, chill, and take a nap weather.

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I don't mind snow, as long as I can stay inside. Rain is better. I love rain!


I have never had school cancelled because if snow in my life, one time last year classes were cancelled because it was -45°C but school was still open

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snow is the best and I absolutely love it

It really is! So is rain!

Rain is the bomb! And tthunderstorms are honestly so much fun

I know! I love the thunder