forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

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my school's LGBT+ meeting is tonight in like 30 minutes!!!!!
im excited but also anxious as heck
anyone have some encouragement they could spare?


my school's LGBT+ meeting is tonight in like 30 minutes!!!!!
im excited but also anxious as heck
anyone have some encouragement they could spare?

My best advice is don’t sweat it! Most people are nervous to be there. From all my experiences, they’re a happy place to be, and no one will make you say anything if you don’t want to. Just enjoy yourself!


thanks you guys, that really does help to calm my nerves a bit. Im gonna go and hopefully have something good to say about the club after!

@HighPockets group

thanks you guys, that really does help to calm my nerves a bit. Im gonna go and hopefully have something good to say about the club after!

Good luck bb!


GUYS, it was so great!!!!
I was nervous to walk in until I saw that there were other people there. We introduced ourselves, played a big game of rock paper scissors, and speed friend dated, like you know, speed dating, but with friends, yeah. it was really cool to get to know so many people. I felt like I belonged there, I made friends, I talked to people, THERE WERE EVEN OTHER ACE PEOPLE THERE!!!!
im sad I didnt go earlier, but like im glad I finally went so…. yeah!
it was just so much fun!
im just glad I finally went and made some friends and didnt feel out of place being ace (that rhymed!). but really, I was kinda worried I would feel out of place because of what ive heard my parents say about the community (My mom has a rather stereotypical view on the community as a straight Christian) but I didnt, I felt so accepted and everyone there was just so nice and welcoming and it was just really cool to see what it was actually like.
thanks for being so supportive, you all were right, it was great.


no, you did tell me, it's okay. you're allowed to say that. I was being overly paranoid about going so….. yeah. but im really glad I went too!


Aww that's so great! I'm glad you had a good time! Do they meet every week? Are you gonna go next time?

Im very happy I finally went. And yeah, they do meet every week! im definitely going back.
next week they're having someone come in to talk about relationships….. so as an aromantic(ish) Ace…. that's gonna be interesting. I could go and just listen and be there as support and learn stuff, or I could go and ask some questions about platonic relationships and stuff……. maybe ask her if she can explain the difference between a romantic relationship and a really good friendship.
lol, im probably not gonna ask that, but I do wanna go and hang out and be supportive and learn and maybe panic about how we're starting a week long conversation on sexuality that wednesday, and we're having that whole essay thing talking about sexuality and gender the following monday.
that's gonna be quite the week. yay
but anyway, yes im definitely going to go as often as I possibly can, they're all very nice and supportive and I wanna hang and talk with them more for sure!

Deleted user

That’s fantastic! I’m glad you are supporting others! It’s nice to see people do these kind of things, keep it up!


Does anyone have some positive and happy LGBTQA+ news articles? I'm trying to cheer myself up after some recent…….government stuff

Deleted user

I don’t. I’m on a school IPad so I might not find one because most schools don’t really support LGBT+


Does anyone have some positive and happy LGBTQA+ news articles? I'm trying to cheer myself up after some recent…….government stuff

ik what you're talking about and i wish i had some positive stuff too


Y'all okay so for the past few months, my crush had to work on her project during lunch, but competition was Saturday so she doesn't have to do that anymore, which means she actually eats lunch in the cafeteria with us and like i can't stop not staring at her. Same thing happens during 7th period and my friend to whom I've ranted about my crush to continues giving me this look and I'm like nooooo and everyone in my friend group knows I have a crush on her but like I still think it'd be awkward if i said anything about that