forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

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Hi Lily! you can call me Hobbit or smoll bean or pretty much whatever. I wouldve totally responded earlier but I dont have Notebook on mobile and my school went on lockdown for three and a half hours!!! I didnt have my computer or phone charger or a book…. so just a phone with a dyeing battery. the lockdown started as soon as my class ended so it's been a long day.

anyway, I hope my school is still having it's LGBT club tonight, I still want to go.


I'm so very sorry, dear. Is there another coming up?

yeah…… next week
but I was all excited to go today. I finally have the courage to go not to mention the need for the support and acceptance, AND IT GETS CANCELLED!!
i was ready
I was prepared
I was excited and feeling proud of myself and secure in myself and wanted to go make friends but NO apparently too much has gone on today
all classes are cancelled and now the club is cancelled and I have nothing to do and it's sad because I was ready to be social for once in my introverted life.

sorry for the rant im just disappointed.


yeah, it was. it's the only specifically LGBT thing on campus, and its not even technically associated with the school. I was hoping to get as much time there as I can before we present our essays, and since it only meets once a week every meeting counts.

@The-Magician group

Yeah I know what you mean. We have an LGBTQ+ club at my college and they only meet for an hour on Wednesdays. I'm proud that you'd gathered the courage to want to go to the formerly planned event


lol, I wish I actually knew the whole story. but what I can say is that my college is split inbetween two ampuses. one one one corner , and one a left turn and down the street. on the corner across from the first campus is another college. It was actually that college that had the emergency happen, but sice we're so close to them our school was shut down too. originally we were sent a text saying it was a lockdown because of an active shooter. then the bomb squad showed up and apparently there's a car on camous full of something dangerous (either explosives or weapons) that may or may not have a person inside of it ready to explode the car, depends on who you ask.
I know there is a car full of something dangerous. that's it.
I think there are still emergency vehicles over at that college so……. yeah.
I dont know what's actually going on but……….. I guess i'll figure it out eventually.


I've had a lock down at school before, but for very different reasons.
some dude was running around the nearby college campus nude soooo


hey guys, I just watched this video and thought id share some love. The past week has been rough for a lot of people and it's the start of a new year so I thought we could stand to share some positivity. I hope this makes you smile.


im glad I was able to bring some happiness to your day.
I try to do that everyday.
I had hoped to do that earlier today when riding the trolly to class this morning. the trolley stopped at a red light and I accidentally made eye contact with a rando who was sitting at the bus stop. in an attempt to keep it from being awkward I smiled and waved, they proceeded to give me the finger ………………… that was not a great start to a not a great day but knowing I was able to brighten up your day a little makes me happy.

@The-Magician group

im glad I was able to bring some happiness to your day.
I try to do that everyday.
I had hoped to do that earlier today when riding the trolly to class this morning. the trolley stopped at a red light and I accidentally made eye contact with a rando who was sitting at the bus stop. in an attempt to keep it from being awkward I smiled and waved, they proceeded to give me the finger ………………… that was not a great start to a not a great day but knowing I was able to brighten up your day a little makes me happy.

What's a trolley? For me that's what I put my shopping in at the supermarket


It's like a bus-train hybrid of sorts. Some run on rails and connect to wires above them, while others just work like any old car. I'll see if I can find a picture.