forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

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Thank you!! I am glad you like it! Hopefully my class and my teacher do as well.

on a completely different topic, my umbrella broke last night and it POURING RAIN TODAY and im so sad.

Deleted user

Thank you!! I am glad you like it! Hopefully my class and my teacher do as well.

on a completely different topic, my umbrella broke last night and it POURING RAIN TODAY and im so sad.

Oh nuuu


i edited it, here it is in first person,

I walk into the library. Every day there’s a cat-sized dragon sitting on a table surrounded by huge piles of books. He always asks me for a story. Today was different though, there were no books on the table, the dragon was just lying there sadly.
I went and sat with him, curious to know what had happened.
He sighed, the sound like gravel, “I have read every book here and none were about the age of dragons.” He pauses, “I used to be the King of all dragons, you know.”
It takes me a moment to consider, but I pull out my computer and open a blank document. He looks at me strangely and I smile, “Tell me your story, dragon king.”


okay guys, im seriously glad you guys like the story so much. I do think I might make it a short story or something. who knows.

but like in class we were given an assignment where we have to record a conversation we have with our friend then SEND IT TO OUR GROUP PARTNER TO BE ANALYSED! I have autism, im awkward, i already feel super uncomfortable when talking to people. I always feel like im saying things the wrong way and sound awkward and never make sense WHY?????? WHY WOULD I HAVE TO DO THIS TORTURE????

@The-Magician group

okay guys, im seriously glad you guys like the story so much. I do think I might make it a short story or something. who knows.

but like in class we were given an assignment where we have to record a conversation we have with our friend then SEND IT TO OUR GROUP PARTNER TO BE ANALYSED! I have autism, im awkward, i already feel super uncomfortable when talking to people. I always feel like im saying things the wrong way and sound awkward and never make sense WHY?????? WHY WOULD I HAVE TO DO THIS TORTURE????

I don't know, but they should at least take into account that the assignment will be hard for you. I know how you're feeling but I don't really have any words of advice (I'm not that great at giving advice to others)


yeah, taking a communication class as an autistic person is a a struggle. sadly the class is mandatory, im just trying to get it over with.
the thing about understanding the assignment is going to be hard would be hard for the teacher considering I havent told her that im autistic. I technically cant get accomodations unless I register with the on campus place that provides those, and im struggling with filling out the paperwork. sooooooo….. yeah.
either I email my teacher and explain the whole thing to her, orrrr I just do nothing and hope I can theatre kid my way through this class……………………. yeah im going to email her

@Becfromthedead group

Email her, and finish the paperwork as soon as you can. I'm sorry that explaining stuff like that is total bs… But I believe in you! You've got this class, and you're going to do great in college in general.


wait, im panicking, how the heck do I write this??????????? wouldnt this be better if I did it in person?? waiiiiiiittttt?????? aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!
this is why im taking a communication class in the first place loooolllll
help I dont know what to doooooooo

@Becfromthedead group

Email first, say you can talk about it in person if needed (email is a good way to schedule a more private meeting if necessary). Explain that you're trying to get that paperwork filled out, too.

@Moxie group

Do you wanna talk to the teacher in person? Cause like with the email you have time to think about what you wanna say, but with talking to her, you can get her reaction real-time and you may convey your message better. So it's up to you, whichever one you feel more comfortable with


thanks guys! I appreciate the help. it's hard for me to think these things through well sometimes without overthinking all of it.

@Becfromthedead group

I mean, honestly, if you need any advice on college stuff, I think we're both 2nd semester freshman, right? So we're kind of in the same boat, and I'm happy to help if you should ever need it.

@The-Magician group

I mean, honestly, if you need any advice on college stuff, I think we're both 2nd semester freshman, right? So we're kind of in the same boat, and I'm happy to help if you should ever need it.

I'm being dumb again, what age is a freshman?

@Becfromthedead group

I mean, honestly, if you need any advice on college stuff, I think we're both 2nd semester freshman, right? So we're kind of in the same boat, and I'm happy to help if you should ever need it.

I'm being dumb again, what age is a freshman?

Okay, so basically, you have 4 years of an undergraduate program. The ages aren't set in stone, but if you go to college directly out of high school and finished everything in time, it should look like this:
1st year- Freshman (18-19)
2nd year- Sophomore (19-20)
3rd year- Junior (20-21)
4th year- Senior (21-22)
We call the 4 years of high school the same thing because America likes to keep things confusing. It seems dumber and dumber the more I think about it. So then for high school, you have:
1st year- Freshman (9th grade) (14-15)
2nd year- Sophomore (10th grade) (15-16)
3rd year- Junior (11th grade) (16-17)
4th year- Senior (12th grade) (17-18)