forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

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That's cool! I'm going to be trying out for a regular play


Well I do prefer to be called Lee, but im fine with being called Emily, Lily, literally anything is fine

We can both be Lee, of course! I can just be addressed as "Red Lee" or something. (I say it's my preferred name as my "actual" name is heavily gendered and not even close to 'Lee'.)

@The-Magician group

Well I do prefer to be called Lee, but im fine with being called Emily, Lily, literally anything is fine

We can both be Lee, of course! I can just be addressed as "Red Lee" or something. (I say it's my preferred name as my "actual" name is heavily gendered and not even close to 'Lee'.)

Fair enough, that's roughly the same situation for me


Well I do prefer to be called Lee, but im fine with being called Emily, Lily, literally anything is fine

We can both be Lee, of course! I can just be addressed as "Red Lee" or something. (I say it's my preferred name as my "actual" name is heavily gendered and not even close to 'Lee'.)

Fair enough, that's roughly the same situation for me

Oof indeed for the both of us

@The-Magician group

I had a debate in Criminology today after someone said that he hates the LGBTQ+ community as a collective but not for all the people that are part of it, it was interesting to say the least, until I stopped myself from saying anything else because I felt too awkward with everyone listening to me and I felt like what I was saying may have been wrong


Well fuck man, I'm sorry you had to deal with that. It's always awkward when the rest of the class goes silent to listen in… not to mention when you're debating about the community.

@The-Magician group

Don't be sorry, you don't have to be. The lad who sits next to me is also part of the community and he could understand where I was coming from but even still we both just felt a bit unnerved by it. It isn't exactly everyday that someone prompts a debate about the community like that and I'm hoping that it won't happen again honestly but I can't shake the feeling that it will


I relate. The one time I did speak up about LGBTQA+ stuff in class I shut these homophobic jerks up so….some good can come out of it.
Also, welcome @Lily_Thyme!

@The-Magician group

I relate. The one time I did speak up about LGBTQA+ stuff in class I shut these homophobic jerks up so….some good can come out of it.
Also, welcome @Lily_Thyme!

Thank you, nice to meet you @PuffPoff

@HighPockets group

Well my username is Lily but that isn't exactly my real name. Some people call me 'Lee' while other's (my family in particular) call me Emily. I don't think I've ever had a nickname before so that might be cool but really anyone can call me whatever they want

Cool! I'm Jynnie, I'm demi/biromantic and asexual!

Deleted user

Well my username is Lily but that isn't exactly my real name. Some people call me 'Lee' while other's (my family in particular) call me Emily. I don't think I've ever had a nickname before so that might be cool but really anyone can call me whatever they want

Cool! I'm Jynnie, I'm demi/biromantic and asexual!

I'm not saying my real name, but I'm Youngblood, or YB for short. I'm lesbian


Welcome! I'm known as Topaz on this site, and I'm bi/pan (I haven't really figured out the exact term I want to use yet, I just know that I've liked girls, and I've likes boys)
It's nice to meet you!


While everyone is introducing themselves, I'm PuffPoff (also known as Puffy, Puff, Poffy, PuffyPoffy, etc.). I'm panromantic and questioning if I'm greysexual or pansexual.


I've already sorta introduced myself but I'll do it again cuz why not. Most people address me by my username or AFT and I'm bi with a preference for girls. Hey!