forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

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I got into Creepypastas!
Drew a bunch more!
And got better at line art!

@Moxie group

The Starbucks that I go to every Friday is closing. Idk why cause they get so much buissnes cause they’re down the street from a highschool but yeah. But when I was there yesterday they were playing Hamilton so that was fun

@Becfromthedead group

I came back from break. Not a lot has happened to me personally. I've just started going to classes again, and they all seem alright. I have some really cool professors.
In other news, I have a friend (a trans man) who finally decided on his new name, and I'm really happy for him. Also we started talking a lot about our stories, and we might start hanging out some to just write because that would be cool and we need motivation. We were friends before, but as we keep talking, I realize we have a lot in common, and it's just such a relief to actually be able to make new friends in college.


Wellllllll I was rocking a flannel over a Voltron shirt on my first day back which I proudly showed off to my friends (who are all equally obsessed with it as I am). And just now at the movie theater, there were a few girls in the bathroom T-posing and my friend and I joined in. We also talked with them for a bit so that was pretty cool. Crushes…that’s complicated. My “official” crush, the girl I’m sure I like, hasn’t talked to me in a week (she lives 2 hours away, we’re really close and text each other every day) and I’m pretty sure it’s my fault. I said something REALLY stupid that I’d prefer not to share, and I think she’s mad at me, or something happened to her. Still kind of low key stressed over that because she has a homophobic family so in the chance that she’s not mad at me, her family could’ve seen it and she could be in trouble. So that’s that. No texts, no emails, for a whole week.

@Mercury Beta Tester


Nah there are like millions of book -> film adaptations, there are bound to be some better films.

A lot of people say The Godfather film is much better than the book, and others say that the film endings of The Shawshank Redemption and The Mist are better and more emotional.

As a personal example, one of my favourite films The Poseidon Adventure (1972 version, the remakes are bad) is way more good than the original sexist book.


I'm a huge fan of accuracy when it comes to movie adaptations, but there've been a few movies I liked better than the book. Princess Bride, for example, and Venom (though I liked the comics as well, the movie version of the characters is my preferred version). I've never been a huge fan of spiderman, comic or movie, but I did like Into the Spiderverse better than any comics I've read

@The-Magician group

I just scrolled through this chat and it looks like there are some real cool and colourful people from the LGBTQ+ community here

Yup. Are you new? I haven’t seen you around before. Or am I just dumb? Lol

I am fairly new, I joined 2 days ago so I'm still getting used to things here

@The-Magician group

I have only been here a couple of days but I already feel like everyone are really nice people, just from lurking in the chats. There's a strong sense of family on Notebook, I only hope that I can one day be a part of that family and really engage with everyone. That sounded better in my head I think