forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

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Lol I have ADHD and I’m a girl :) also, unrelated I’m on my period and i’m so angry right now I want to cry and then I want to go home and clean my room. I’m so angry :) I want to hurt something :) I want someone to feel pain :) it might be me :) hahhaha :)

oh, honey… wraps you up in a hug and gives you a hot drink


Same here @MoxieMox
I'm thinking about either becoming a therapist or going into a field that does stuff with parts work

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so crappy news…. my parents switched insurance and I no longer have a therapist, and the audiology appointment I had scheduled since last AUGUST has been cancelled :) :) :) also the ADHD testing I was supposed to have ;) :)


so crappy news…. my parents switched insurance and I no longer have a therapist, and the audiology appointment I had scheduled since last AUGUST has been cancelled :) :) :) also the ADHD testing I was supposed to have ;) :)

oh my gosh, that sucks! Insurance companies can be so difficult amiright? like, theyre dupposed to be helpful, and i mean they do bring costs down, but like, they can be sooooo frustrating!! I remember the six months it took me to get the appointment for my Autism testing, that was six months away from the day we were able to schedule the appointment, it was brutal. I hope you're experiences are more positive! I hope you can get some new appointments with good doctors in a timely manner!
prayer of a chronically ill person right there lol. but seriously, I hope it all gets better.

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Oh my god, that's horrible! I don't know how these things work, but I'm guessing you can't just reschedule them? :(
Even if it was covered under our insurance, it would take likely 6-8 months

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so crappy news…. my parents switched insurance and I no longer have a therapist, and the audiology appointment I had scheduled since last AUGUST has been cancelled :) :) :) also the ADHD testing I was supposed to have ;) :)

oh my gosh, that sucks! Insurance companies can be so difficult amiright? like, theyre dupposed to be helpful, and i mean they do bring costs down, but like, they can be sooooo frustrating!! I remember the six months it took me to get the appointment for my Autism testing, that was six months away from the day we were able to schedule the appointment, it was brutal. I hope you're experiences are more positive! I hope you can get some new appointments with good doctors in a timely manner!
prayer of a chronically ill person right there lol. but seriously, I hope it all gets better.

thanks, it means a lot. :)


Even if it was covered under our insurance, it would take likely 6-8 months

YIKES that is awful.
I do still hope you can get the appointments you need as painlessly as possible Moony.


hey so, you're probably tired of hearing this from me but im considering going to my college's LGBTQ+ club.
Im wanting to go because I know im going to be coming out in my Bible class and I want the support, the connection, and the courage, knowing that no matter how that discussion in class goes I not only have my friends, (most of whom im not out to yet) I also have a community of people on campus supporting me.

but social anxiety is still a thing that I struggle with so……


hey so, you're probably tired of hearing this from me but im considering going to my college's LGBTQ+ club.
Im wanting to go because I know im going to be coming out in my Bible class and I want the support, the connection, and the courage, knowing that no matter how that discussion in class goes I not only have my friends, (most of whom im not out to yet) I also have a community of people on campus supporting me.

but social anxiety is still a thing that I struggle with so……

@Becfromthedead group

Yeah, I think now's probably a good time to do it. That way, you already have backup and support if people decide to be mean or unaccepting. But even so, there are so many Christians out there that are accepting of LGBT+, especially in the younger generation. I go to a (formerly) Christian private college in the deep south, and people are so supportive??? I was honestly surprised… Of course, everything you do is ultimately up to you, but I think that's the quickest way to get support, plus you could make a lot of new friends.
(Am I making any sense? I feel like I'm rambling.)


I feel like absolute garbage right now so I'm going to watch infinity war on netflix while looking through my favorite artist's tumblr