forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

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@HighPockets group

Can you tell Lex that I have a book rec for them?
It's called Saving Red by Sonya Sones and I think it might help them through this a bit.
Sounds cheesy, I know, but when I have a bad brain day I usually read it and it helps me.

Deleted user

Yeah, they sure as hell need the sleep.
They have eyebags that can't be covered up like mine can


warning, im sad and I need to rant and im feeling really discouraged and frustrated and horrified and alhdgkjdafhpigbapdibkjvgikbdsnflbgkafj;sngsnf;akgnf;kajs;kagjn;ksfjbgdsfjbg;kfajbfgkna;gkhfkjghdjfngijnripwehsndgiu

I wish I didnt know the things I know now
I wish I didnt know these things because they werent true

I wish I didnt know how low the graduation rates of autistic college students are
I wish I didnt know about the lack of programs for Autistic adults
I wish I didnt know about the unwillingness to diagnose autism in girls and it's link with gender roles
I wish I didnt know about the city council who doesnt care if disabled people can leave their house
I wish I didnt know about the bad Autism memes
I wish I didnt know that ABA therapy is literal torture of Autistics
I wish I didnt know about people desperately trying to "cure" (read fundamentally change ppl with) autism
I wish I didnt know Autism $peaks was a hate group
I wish I didnt know how much the world hates Autistic people

I wish I didnt know how much the world hates people like me

Deleted user

Whomst do I need to fight?
I barely know you, but I would kill for you.

Deleted user

Anyhow, I'm going to sleep and hopefully not be plagued by nightmares! Good night!


I appreciate the encouragement but this wasnt prompted because of a person, this was prompted by me learning the truth about ABA therapy after having it presented to me as a good career option. im pissed and sad and frustrated and just……. i HATE the fact that I am afraid to tell people im Autistic when all these things exist and are happening right now and there are people that genuinely believe that im a lesser/broken human being. At the same time, it was all these attitudes towards Autistic people that made me shamed to talk about it in the first place.

I dont want to be ashamed of my autism. I dont want to be ashamed of my stims. I dont want to be ashamed of who I am. I dont want to be afraid to call out these damaging truths to people, including professors of mine, who dont see the harm in the things I listed by using my identity as a source of validity.

but I AM scared and ashamed of my autism and im socially anxious and im afraid it will have an effect on my grades and my relationships with my professors and classmates.

i am torn between my introverted personality and my need for justice and change and growth.


okay, I had a cool interaction today but my Aro Ace self cant figure out if the person was flirting with me.
(I hope yall know hamilton, italics is sung)

so im in the little convenience shop on campus after my class. I go up to the register to pay and the guy at the register scans my stuff, like normal. then he says, "hey, so I saw the buttons on your backpack and you strike me as a woman who has never been satisfied" I proceed to burst into a big smile and giggle instead of quoting the next lyric like I wish I did. He says that he loves hamilton and then I pay and leave and he wishes me a good day and I say you too, like a normal interaction
the thing is, I just realised that the lyric he quoted is hamilton flirting with Angelica……
was he flirting??????? am I reading too far into this???????? could it have been flirting?? how am I supposed to know???

(im gonna go get dinner with my mom so if I dont respond for a while that's why. please give input i is confusion and awkward bean)


That sounds like an amazing encounter tbh
And I mean maybe? I never know about these things. It sounds like it could be flirting but it could also just be him being social and cool.

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My dad and I were talking about me being bi and he was like "it's fine i'll just let god handle you now"
and it's like?? i'm not an object?? i can be christian without being straight???

@Moxie group

I feel like it’s not flirting. That’s a very forward line from the show, and if he was flirting by saying that line then the line wouldn’t mean what Hamilton was going for in this scene. (Does that make sense? I’m bad at explaining things) what exactly are the buttons on your backpack? That might be good information in this situation