forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

people_alt 232 followers

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My dad and I were talking about me being bi and he was like "it's fine i'll just let god handle you now"
and it's like?? i'm not an object?? i can be christian without being straight???

My mom did the same, but about me being pan

@HighPockets group

I mean it's a well-known line to one of (if not the) most well-known song, so I could read into it either way?
That sounds awesome though, I wish people would walk up to me and quote Hamilton at me


My dad and I were talking about me being bi and he was like "it's fine i'll just let god handle you now"
and it's like?? i'm not an object?? i can be christian without being straight???

My mom did the same, but about me being pan

that sucks, guys, I'm sorry
The only way I'm ever coming out to my Christian parents is by telling them I have a date at x time and when they ask 'with who?' replying with a girl's name


If you guys have Instagram I recommend following queersforchrist because they have a bunch of stuff that I would really like to yell in the faces of some certain Christians that don't understand what Christianity is really about


I 100% stan
Like, I don't get why it's 'bad' for people to be Christian and queer! I'm (loosely) Christian! I'm queer! What is wrong with that?

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I have my left ear pierced and someone just assumed i was gay


Kind of off topic but holy heck I've officially been on this site for a year


My dad and I were talking about me being bi and he was like "it's fine i'll just let god handle you now"
and it's like?? i'm not an object?? i can be christian without being straight???
there is nothing in the Bible that says that in order to be a Christian you have to be a certain way, the whole point is that God accepts you as you are and believes in your worth, regardless of how the world values you. that's the key message. like yeah, you should act a certain way towards others but like isnt it more important to love God and love others??? DOESNT JESUS SAY THOSE ARE THE TWO MOST IMPORTANT COMMANDMENTS IN THE CHRISTIAN FAITH???? Like, should the semantics of a person's ability level, class, race, sexuality, gender, etc matter more than their identity as a child of God, no. in REvelation it talks about all tribes of every nation standing at the foot of the throne of God worshiping in every language. it doesnt say just the straights or just the able bodied, or just the white, or just the rich or just the poor or just the males, it says EVERYONE.

sorry if yall didnt appreciate the Biblical rant, I had my Bible class today and we talked about diversity and individuality and injustice and stuff so I felt like I was able to say something that actually fit the situation. Talking about my Bible class, Ive devided that im going to come out to my class when we do the presentation thing. I just need to make sure I come out to all my friends first.
moving on to the Hamilton encounter

I feel like it’s not flirting. That’s a very forward line from the show, and if he was flirting by saying that line then the line wouldn’t mean what Hamilton was going for in this scene. (Does that make sense? I’m bad at explaining things) what exactly are the buttons on your backpack? That might be good information in this situation

My pins are ones that I got when I went to see Hamilton. they are those gold ones with the star silhouettes of the characters on them.
I have a lot of pins on my backpack tho lol


so…. im an Aromantic Asexual with Cerebral Palsy and Fibromyalgia
Aromanticism and CP are both represented with green
Asexuality and Fibro are both represented with purple
my official colors are green and purple
im amazing
now if only Autism and ADHD were connected…… oh wait, they arent often visible the same way in girls which makes it seem like more boys have it and makes it more difficult for girls to get diagnosed and get services
sorry im salty