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Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

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oof I'm exactly the opposite
whenever I cry in front of people I resent myself for weeks lmao
I think the last time I cried in front of somebody was like… last summer? Maybe?

@Becfromthedead group

And that's why I stopped caring. The one good thing high school burnout did for me was that I no longer care what other people think of me because it's too much trouble (that doesn't mean I act rude or mean, basically just things besides that…)


The last time I cried in front of someone was I think last spring breakish? I was going on a trip with our school travel club to Greece and I was having really horrible anxiety about it so I just cried basically until I got on the plane to leave.


I don't care about what others think of me, it's more like how I think of myself. Every time I cry, I feel like the reason isn't valid and I shouldn't be crying over it.

@Becfromthedead group

I don't cry in complete public a lot. I feel like I did a lot more in high school because I had no safe space to go during the day. I can just duck into my dorm now… I feel okay crying with specific people.


I feel so weak and stupid… I tear up really easily. The problem is, even when I want to fucking break down because it’s too much and I’ve beeb keeping it all pent up for months, I can only cry a tiny bit at a time


for some reason it's always the stupid shit that makes me cry? like I'll be having a bad day and usually I'll start crying after one of my family members insults me or something and then something dumb and small happens


crying over real issues? nah. crying over something genuinely sad? nah. crying talking about the one family member I loved that most people couldn't bring themselves to like after some of the things he did? yeah. crying over dropping my guitar pick after retreating from my family insulting me? yeah

@Becfromthedead group

Yeah, I understand. It's basically the same as taking a single brick from an already unstable structure. It's 100% normal to hit a breaking point like that, even over the little things.