forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

people_alt 232 followers


I would be a bitch about it and half avoid the prompt, discussing my race, age, and gender/sex (which are things people can see pretty clearly) but then talk about how things like my beliefs, sexuality, and disablities are personal things that I should never be required to disclose for a grade. They're something I choose to share with people I trust deeply.
Idk maybe I would've written a whole paragraph about my trust issues.
Either way I'd never write anything about myself that I didn't want to for class, and if I got points taken away for it I'd bitch about it to the principal or school district

Technically they can't make you do that. LIKE TF. IT'S-A LAW

Exactly. In fact, I might've even refused to write the essay because the prompt is too personal.


I would be a bitch about it and half avoid the prompt, discussing my race, age, and gender/sex (which are things people can see pretty clearly) but then talk about how things like my beliefs, sexuality, and disablities are personal things that I should never be required to disclose for a grade. They're something I choose to share with people I trust deeply.
Idk maybe I would've written a whole paragraph about my trust issues.
Either way I'd never write anything about myself that I didn't want to for class, and if I got points taken away for it I'd bitch about it to the principal or school district

Technically they can't make you do that. LIKE TF. IT'S-A LAW

Exactly. In fact, I might've even refused to write the essay because the prompt is too personal.

its stupid that we are required to talk about our sexuality without our permission
only my friends know


everyone knows about my sexuality (I'm sitting at my desk with a rainbow water bottle and I wear pride shirts, it's kinda obvious lol) but that doesn't mean that me or anyone else should have to tell a teacher about it. That's bullshit.


everyone knows about my sexuality (I'm sitting at my desk with a rainbow water bottle and I wear pride shirts, it's kinda obvious lol) but that doesn't mean that me or anyone else should have to tell a teacher about it. That's bullshit.

thank you and i love your username

Deleted user

So I got into Dodie a couple days ago, and just watched her coming out song, and hooray for her! Bi pride at its finest!
But seriously?? The Youtube comments turned it into a meme and went all 'have you heard of lgbtq+ well i am the b- destroying libtards with facts and knowledge' and??
Bisexuality isn't a "trend" or a "phase"? It's a sexuality and the comment section is supposed to be for support and a safe place for lgbtq+? smh

Deleted user

Guess which asexual just realised that their Psychology class is going to spend and ENTIRE WEEK going over "hormones and sex".
its gonna be so heteronormative and amananormative and it's gonna SUCK

AND GUESS WHAT my BIBLE class is having us write an essay about our age, race, disabilities, gender, religion and SEXUAL ORIENTATION……… and discuss it with the class
within the first
we're going to have an entire class discussion on human sexuality
will I out myself
who knows
I dont know
im panicking about something due in a month because I dont wanna talk about it. like, no one is entitled to that information simply by existing like……….. WHY ARE WE SHARING THAT PERSONAL PAPER WITH THE CLASS????? IT COULD START FIGHTS AND MAKE PEOPLE'S LIVES MISERABLE!!!!!

am I overreacting, probably, does it feel like it, no.

Just say that you're standing up for LGBTQ+ people but you're straight or something like that idk man


Ugh it's so annoying everyone can't just be themselves whenever they want and aren't as fortunate as I am. At my school I have lots of lgbtq+ friends and at lunch we pretty much sit at a table together and scream about being gay (we use it as an umbrella term).


Same here. My school is okay with anything related to lgbtqa+ stuff and they support us. Heck, half of the people in pride club went to a Catholic school where they were still treated fairly. Get with the times everyone. Equality is the new cool.

@HighPockets group

Guess which asexual just realised that their Psychology class is going to spend and ENTIRE WEEK going over "hormones and sex".
its gonna be so heteronormative and amananormative and it's gonna SUCK

AND GUESS WHAT my BIBLE class is having us write an essay about our age, race, disabilities, gender, religion and SEXUAL ORIENTATION……… and discuss it with the class
within the first
we're going to have an entire class discussion on human sexuality
will I out myself
who knows
I dont know
im panicking about something due in a month because I dont wanna talk about it. like, no one is entitled to that information simply by existing like……….. WHY ARE WE SHARING THAT PERSONAL PAPER WITH THE CLASS????? IT COULD START FIGHTS AND MAKE PEOPLE'S LIVES MISERABLE!!!!!

am I overreacting, probably, does it feel like it, no.

My bio class is gonna do a project where you have to choose a guy in the class and use punnett squares to see what your kid would look like…..

@Becfromthedead group

I had to do that freshman year of high school… I got this guy who made me super uncomfortable and also hit on me… (look, I do not get hit on. At least I don't think I do. For me to have noticed this is a miracle, or he was being creepily obvious, and I think it's the latter…). This was mostly because people picked their friends, and people always had someone they were better friends with than me in that class, so I was left with someone awful. (Not to mention things were really awkward because his father was one of my doctors at the time, although I don't think he knew that.)

@HighPockets group

I had to do that freshman year of high school… I got this guy who made me super uncomfortable and also hit on me… (look, I do not get hit on. At least I don't think I do. For me to have noticed this is a miracle, or he was being creepily obvious, and I think it's the latter…). This was mostly because people picked their friends, and people always had someone they were better friends with than me in that class, so I was left with someone awful. (Not to mention things were really awkward because his father was one of my doctors at the time, although I don't think he knew that.)

First off, big oof. Second, it must be a freshman year thing.
Also I hate pretty much everyone in my bio class because a majority of them are really fricking obnoxious.


That's horrible! You should tell someone with authority about it if it's against the law. I just…you poor child!! ;-;

You guys…… ITS A BIBLE CLASS at a CHRISTIAN college we kinda have to talk about religion. it's kinda in the name of the class too.

UPDATE: I did just go to the first day of Bible class and the teacher seems pretty chill. it think it will all turn out okay if I email her about my concerns. The essay is due in like a month so I should have plenty of time to figure out how much im willing to disclose in the class and im sure she'll have some sort of rule where you dont discuss the private info out of class and doing so for others invites them to do the same to you and stuff like that.
im feeling a lot more optimistic about the class, even though I am a little concerned about some things most of it seems okay and the teacher seems kind and understanding.

there is an LGBT+ club on campus, however they arent allowed to technically be a school club and they arent allowed to use rainbow in their promotions and logos……… so there's that.
Most of the oppinions ive heard from students on campus is something along the lines of "they can live their life however they want it doesnt effect me" so im hoping everything will go well as the school seems rather accepting.


also im pretty sure that no one at my school really knows what asexuality is, and im just not even going to bother explaining aromanticism.
but im hoping that im not the first LGBT+ person to go and that the teacher discusses respecting people's identities beforehand.
i mean the class is a required GE it's not like I could get out of the assignment if I wanted to.