forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

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@The-Magician group

I see, this is all very different to how we have it here in the UK. I'm 17, in my first year of college, Year 12 as some call it, and I leave when I'm 18. The American school tiers are so confusing…


yeah, all the school systems are so different it's really confusing. And yeah @Becfromthedead we are both second semester college freshman. Im happy to help to, though I cant say i'll always have answers lol. I drafted an email to my teacher and sent it to my mom to proofread. she recommends I talk with her face to face since I would probably end up doing that anyway.

@Mercury Beta Tester

I see, this is all very different to how we have it here in the UK. I'm 17, in my first year of college, Year 12 as some call it, and I leave when I'm 18. The American school tiers are so confusing…

This website gives a helpful comparison between the two systems. The American grade system is 1 number below the British year system (E.g. Year 7 is Grade 6, Year 10 is Grade 9)

@The-Magician group

I see, this is all very different to how we have it here in the UK. I'm 17, in my first year of college, Year 12 as some call it, and I leave when I'm 18. The American school tiers are so confusing…

This website gives a helpful comparison between the two systems. The American grade system is 1 number below the British year system (E.g. Year 7 is Grade 6, Year 10 is Grade 9)

Thank you!!


good luck red! im thinking of you!
I have a meeting with a new Rheumatologist today so if yall could be thinking about that, I just hope it all ends up well


I see, this is all very different to how we have it here in the UK. I'm 17, in my first year of college, Year 12 as some call it, and I leave when I'm 18. The American school tiers are so confusing…

This website gives a helpful comparison between the two systems. The American grade system is 1 number below the British year system (E.g. Year 7 is Grade 6, Year 10 is Grade 9)

That's because instead of "first year" we have "kindergarten" and then first grade

Also, best of luck, Lee! I really hope things go well for you! :)


my appointment went well! I liked the doctor, I learned a lot, I asked the right questions, got so many answers (I swear the doctor infodumped to me it was crazy), and I got the answers I was hoping to get.
how did everything go for you Red?? (if you dont mind sharing that is, please dont feel pressured to share anything you dont want to or dont feel comfortable with)

@Becfromthedead group

Well, I do know lesbian is the general term. I looked it up to make sure I have things right, and I think the different "types" of lesbian have to do with (at least partially) how they present themselves. And lipstick lesbians tend to present themselves as what we would consider traditionally feminine from what I understand. Although, of course, if someone else has more to say or can give better detail, please help.


how did everything go for you Red?? (if you dont mind sharing that is, please dont feel pressured to share anything you dont want to or dont feel comfortable with)

It went horribly. The Hospice Care lady completely flaked on the meeting and when we called to ask when the hell she'll be here, they said that my mother no longer qualifies for Hospice care since she started hard chemo cuz she "could get better".
Like, no, she can't get better. Her cancer is terminal. It's in her bones. She's only buying more time for herself by chosing to go with this treatment that might not even work in the first place.
Suffice to say, I was pissed.
I think I still am.

@The-Magician group

Well, I do know lesbian is the general term. I looked it up to make sure I have things right, and I think the different "types" of lesbian have to do with (at least partially) how they present themselves. And lipstick lesbians tend to present themselves as what we would consider traditionally feminine from what I understand. Although, of course, if someone else has more to say or can give better detail, please help.

Thank you! I heard it in an episode of 2 Broke Girls and was a bit confused