forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :) Part 2!
Started by @Moxie group

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i want to come out on social media, mainly cause my mom doesn't want too many people to know and I'd rather this homeschool group have that slap in the face that hey, gay happens, and there's a very good chance someone you love is not only within the lgbt+ community but being hurt by your shit you spew every morning at breakfast

however my mom gave me quite a talk telling me i shouldn't, supposedly cause she "doesn't want me to be bullied" but she also doesn't want people to see her as the mother of a GayTM child, so i'd definitely get in trouble if i do

is it safe? no. petty? very. could it both help people and allow me to feel more like my authentic self through artistic expression? definitely
I'm trying to weigh the pros and cons but my opinion keeps flip-flopping

@Becfromthedead group

Idk, it's your life. I think first comes safety, but after that, it's up to you.
It's not like you aren't being made fun of already, but just indirectly. They don't know they're talking about you when they say bad things about the gays.

@Katastrophic group

As my very religious grandparents have said:
"There's a lot of stuff to hate nowadays. I don't think God really wants us spending energy on hating people because of who they love, that doesn't make any sense at all."

She also said if I brought home a girlfriend she would add her to her prayers as well, on the basis of "Since you never bring home any boys I figured I should extend it just in case"

so all of yall are valid and anyone who uses religion as an excuse is too lazy to face their own prejudice and ignorance. That said, do be safe about standing up to the jerks and with coming out. Make sure you're not in a situation where you could be hurt.


Also I really want to call my pastor out on his very aggressive homophobia he's just the pastor for the high school so it shouldn't be too big of a deal but ya know…fear of confrontation
But I just wanna know if he knows that his homophobic actions are only pushing people away from God
Also he has this whole weird thing about how he doesn't like it how in society now we're supposed to love everyone like sir that's what a majority of your religion is dedicated to

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

My friend dyed her hair blonde and braided some of it so it looks shorter and she looks so much like Will Solace right now, she's planning on cosplaying him and she looks super cute rn


My friend dyed her hair blonde and braided some of it so it looks shorter and she looks so much like Will Solace right now, she's planning on cosplaying him and she looks super cute rn

I love that~!

@Kanaroli group

y'all, a girl in my first period theatre class cussed out our teacher and dropped out of the show all over a very reasonable phone policy


y'all, a girl in my first period theatre class cussed out our teacher and dropped out of the show all over a very reasonable phone policy

wow- thats tough-

@Kanaroli group

y'all, a girl in my first period theatre class cussed out our teacher and dropped out of the show all over a very reasonable phone policy

wow- thats tough-

Legit, the whole policy is that we can't use our phones backstage since there are people quick changing, it's all so that a camera won't be on them, she's always on her phone talking to her boyfriend but tried lying saying she's talking to her grandma and when our teacher tried to talk to her about it in her office, she cussed her out, called her a f-cking b-tch, and left class, they tried calling her to the deans office but she left the school campus


y'all, a girl in my first period theatre class cussed out our teacher and dropped out of the show all over a very reasonable phone policy

wow- thats tough-

Legit, the whole policy is that we can't use our phones backstage since there are people quick changing, it's all so that a camera won't be on them, she's always on her phone talking to her boyfriend but tried lying saying she's talking to her grandma and when our teacher tried to talk to her about it in her office, she cussed her out, called her a f-cking b-tch, and left class, they tried calling her to the deans office but she left the school campus

she boutta get in so much trouble bruh-

@larcenistarsonist group

[barges in]


How loose of a term genderfluid cuz right now it's looking pretty appealing to me?!?! I'm AFAB but I've never really felt fully female but it's not like I don't want to be female and right now she/they pronouns are fine but I recently experienced some gender dysphoria and I didnt like that very much and now I'm looking at masc stuff and going "yo that looks neat but I don't wanna fully commit" so yes. I think genderfluid might fit me but I'm not too sure…

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

I've got info!!
Genderfluid is like sliding back and forth on the Gender Spectrum, so it for sure could fit. Fluxfluid could also fit, where it's sliding back and force and up and down for the intensity of the gender being felt.


[barges in]


How loose of a term genderfluid cuz right now it's looking pretty appealing to me?!?! I'm AFAB but I've never really felt fully female but it's not like I don't want to be female and right now she/they pronouns are fine but I recently experienced some gender dysphoria and I didnt like that very much and now I'm looking at masc stuff and going "yo that looks neat but I don't wanna fully commit" so yes. I think genderfluid might fit me but I'm not too sure…

I knew I was genderfluid when I caught myself constantly wishing I was born a boy or feeling masculine or sometimes wishing I was just a being with no genitals, no breasts, and nothing down there at all, but then sometimes (rarely) I would be glad I was born a girl. It was all very confusing but my gender switched quite often between masculine/guy to an enby/gender neutral, so I knew something was up.

@Becfromthedead group

I'm afab, genderflux, she/they, and I basically fluctuate in my levels of femininity and androgyny, with very slight masculinity at some times.
I don't ever really mind my genitals one way or another, but sometimes I don't want people to know I have boobs lol.
I feel more top dysphoria, not really for my legs and all that, even though I'm pretty curvy.
Like I don't really mind my body that much, but expressing feminine in dress and mannerisms sometimes makes me feel gross.


Yeah similar to what the other people are saying, my relationship with my gender is "eh it's there, and sometimes it's louder than other times." Be prepared for the never ending cycle of "am I actually a trans guy?" right over to "am I actually a cis woman and just faking it?"