forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :) Part 2!
Started by @Moxie group

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@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Also, I'm probably gonna try to get a couple pins and I need some ideas as to things that scream "Gay but in a Conservative area and don't want to get hate crimed"

Saw some pretty "discreet pride" merch, it was cool sci-fi landscapes that used pride colors. I can try and find it again if u want smth like that?

Aaaaaaa that would be nice, I can try to find them on my own too

here you go!

asdfgh Thank you! I'll have to check it out when I get home, the website isn't blocked but the images are

@Katastrophic group

Also, I'm probably gonna try to get a couple pins and I need some ideas as to things that scream "Gay but in a Conservative area and don't want to get hate crimed"

Saw some pretty "discreet pride" merch, it was cool sci-fi landscapes that used pride colors. I can try and find it again if u want smth like that?

Aaaaaaa that would be nice, I can try to find them on my own too

here you go!

asdfgh Thank you! I'll have to check it out when I get home, the website isn't blocked but the images are

np! i hope you find smth you like ^_^

@squiddicus language

Also, I'm probably gonna try to get a couple pins and I need some ideas as to things that scream "Gay but in a Conservative area and don't want to get hate crimed"

Saw some pretty "discreet pride" merch, it was cool sci-fi landscapes that used pride colors. I can try and find it again if u want smth like that?

Aaaaaaa that would be nice, I can try to find them on my own too

here you go!

those pins are so beautiful!

@Katastrophic group

Also maybe bring a book that any lgbtq person would recognise as gay but that anyone else would have no idea

Six of Crows, now a hit netflix series and very gay but mostly a fantasy crime heist, I recommend

@Katastrophic group

God I haven’t read the six of crows books but I just finished the show and found myself on my floor sobbing over kaz’s mere existence

I have yet to watch the show but I too sob over kaz's existence. I hope they keep a lot of the lines the same, cause if so I will actually cry or die laughing, probably both


God I haven’t read the six of crows books but I just finished the show and found myself on my floor sobbing over kaz’s mere existence

I have yet to watch the show but I too sob over kaz's existence. I hope they keep a lot of the lines the same, cause if so I will actually cry or die laughing, probably both

I havent seen it or read it-


i don't like to vent because i feel like a burden
(and i know that's not true but i have a stupid brain)
but my dysphoria is off the rails and my tics are getting worse. i can't even talk because of a combination of both. i want to tell my parents but i'm afraid they'll take my binder away. they've said that they don't agree with me being part of the LGBTQ+ community, but if that's what i want then they won't punish me or disown me or anything like that.
i have no doubts that my dad would send me to conversion therapy, and they'd both probably make me get rid of social media and shit like that
i just don't know what to do


i don't like to vent because i feel like a burden
(and i know that's not true but i have a stupid brain)
but my dysphoria is off the rails and my tics are getting worse. i can't even talk because of a combination of both. i want to tell my parents but i'm afraid they'll take my binder away. they've said that they don't agree with me being part of the LGBTQ+ community, but if that's what i want then they won't punish me or disown me or anything like that.
i have no doubts that my dad would send me to conversion therapy, and they'd both probably make me get rid of social media and shit like that
i just don't know what to do

this explains alot of things, Ive never been able to put into words, my parents are also like this my stepmom once told me I was disgusting for being gay like-

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Do not come out if you think it's not safe, or if you know your parents don't believe in people deserving rights for existing. You will not change their minds, not when they still have power over you. You'll be hurt, or worse, and that's not good.

@Becfromthedead group

Istg every time I think of coming out, I end up not bc my mom especially is so weirdly microaggresive towards the community. Aaanyway, I have left my pride pins out on my computer bag and it's up to them if they wanna have that conversation


it just hurts so much when i get deadnames and called 'a pretty girl' or 'you're so beautiful'
it makes me want to rip my skin off


deadnaming is big ew
it makes me just want to become a melting pile of mush
and i get deadnamed a lot so like,,, blegh

me too, I get dead named so much and its honestly tiring tbh

@The-Magician group

Am I the only one who doesn’t have shitty parents when it comes to this kind of thing? Like mine don’t give me any grief because of who I am, they just leave me to it


I might have an accepting aunt, another aunt and uncle but I don't talk to them so I'm not completely sure. I just know they're the "liberal" family.