forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :) Part 2!
Started by @Moxie group

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@Becfromthedead group

Imo stealing from a big corporation is fine, as long as it doesn't get any of the little guys in trouble.
Will I do it myself? Nah, I'm a coward.
Like the only "crimes" I've done are ones that basically everyone does.


stealing is okay in my opinion unless you steal from small businesses, then, i do not support that
the big corporations don't need all that money

If it's chain it's free reign


I mean the teacher implied how to get away with it so-
im pretty sure he was just teaching us how to be criminals the entire semester.
This is the same teacher that told my entire class
"only get married for taxes, if anyone tells you they got married out of love…they're lying, it was for the money."


I mean the teacher implied how to get away with it so-
im pretty sure he was just teaching us how to be criminals the entire semester.
This is the same teacher that told my entire class
"only get married for taxes, if anyone tells you they got married out of love…they're lying, it was for the money."

so basically i want this teacher now-


he was my favorite teacher, super chill and funny too, he told us a story one time about how he manage to mess up kissing a girl, multiple times in one night.

@Becfromthedead group

Oh my god I get to go to Atlanta pride this year!!!!
A group of my friend's friends are going, and he invited me and some other people. The more we have, the more we can split costs, so it works out.


Oh my god I get to go to Atlanta pride this year!!!!
A group of my friend's friends are going, and he invited me and some other people. The more we have, the more we can split costs, so it works out.

I cannot attend anything pride related because my parents are

@wren-has-mommy-issues group

stealing is okay in my opinion unless you steal from small businesses, then, i do not support that
the big corporations don't need all that money

If it's chain it's free reign

i agree.

@ClownB*tch eco

i want to change my name again cuz idk i think I've gotten bored of it but then my parents will be upset and ask why I can't make up my mind
for example, the name Ori seems like a really good name cuz I do and always have loved Ori And The Blind Forest and still play it BUT how the hell am I supposed to tell my parents that I want to go by something different again
(plus Ori is pretty gender nuetral)

Deleted user

that one's tough, but you could try smth like "hey so i think i've found a name that suits me better, can you please call me [insert name here] instead of [old name]"
that's what i did


I appreciate straight allies so much y’all ;-;
So I’m semi-out at school about my gender shit and most people just call me Max, but I’m not out at home. And one of my friends just texted me (apparently our moms are meeting up or something) and just checked if I was out so her mom wouldn’t accidentally out me and just ahhhhhhhh it made me so happy that she asked

@The-Magician group

Okay so… I’ve done a thing…

About a month ago I called my grandma and explained to her that I don’t always identify as a woman. She was okay with it.
About a week ago I called the doctors to discuss the possibility of me completely stopping my periods, and they said that while there is a way for them to stop it completely they are apprehensive as it will weaken my bones. Today, I got a call from my doctor and she’s putting me on The Pill to prevent the bleeding. Most people take the medication for three weeks of a month and have the last week as a break, but I’m taking it for three months with a week break… I’m nervous, I’m really nervous


I have yet to come out to my parents because I don't wanna get
✨b e a t e n✨