forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :) Part 2!
Started by @Moxie group

people_alt 175 followers


right, Im 16 and I've been telling you guys I like girls since I was like 14, its been two years, and nothing has changed. But just because im 'still young' and im only 16 doesnt mean I know nothing about myself??
I know I like girls, its not that hard to figure out, so please stop saying im not?? gay??

Just because you're homophobic doesn't mean people aren't gay??

@Kanaroli group

tw, homophobes and trump supporters


tw, homophobes and trump supporters

I hope it goes well !
my parents haven't let me go to anything pride related, they wont even let me buy pride pins (even though im fucking 16) everytime I ask, their homophobia comes out and their like "WHAT? NO! YOU'RE NOT GOING" so yeah there's that.

But on a good note, I plan on moving out the second I turn 18, with my aunt (whos a lesbian) and going to as many pride events as i can, with her.

@Kanaroli group

tw, homophobes and trump supporters

I hope it goes well !
my parents haven't let me go to anything pride related, they wont even let me buy pride pins (even though im fucking 16) everytime I ask, their homophobia comes out and their like "WHAT? NO! YOU'RE NOT GOING" so yeah there's that.

But on a good note, I plan on moving out the second I turn 18, with my aunt (whos a lesbian) and going to as many pride events as i can, with her.

Pog!! I hope you'll have fun when you do go to the parades, they're usually lots of fun! Everyone is so nice and they older members tend to look out for the younger ones, they're hella protective!


tw, homophobes and trump supporters

I hope it goes well !
my parents haven't let me go to anything pride related, they wont even let me buy pride pins (even though im fucking 16) everytime I ask, their homophobia comes out and their like "WHAT? NO! YOU'RE NOT GOING" so yeah there's that.

But on a good note, I plan on moving out the second I turn 18, with my aunt (whos a lesbian) and going to as many pride events as i can, with her.

Pog!! I hope you'll have fun when you do go to the parades, they're usually lots of fun! Everyone is so nice and they older members tend to look out for the younger ones, they're hella protective!

thanks ! I have so many things to look forward to when im 18 and move the fuck out, and pride is a big one.


I wanna get vaccinated but a) I'm worried I might be allergic because my dad is deadly allergic to steroids and b) my parents are antivaxxers when it comes to COVID ONLY

Pretty much same! I would get it but I've been on a hold on all vaccines because of certain medical issues that could cause fine-to-bad-to-dangerous reactions. My parents are anti-COVID vax and anti-STD vax, but everything else is fine. It's ridiculous.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

My parents at least are allowing me to get anti-STD vaccines since they've seen how most affect people/were affected by some themselves, but my dad just keeps going on and on and on about how most people my age survive anyway
Surviving doesn't equal nothing bad happened, this shit can ruin people my age's lives and health for good
and what if it's like the chicken pox?? That thing everyone thought was harmless and took children to for parties to catch it and get it over with?? Oh you mean it leads to having a horrible disease when you get older??
No parallels at freaking all istg


For real, people aren't getting their sense of smell/taste back, they have chronic pain and lung problems, and a whole plethora of other symptoms… survival shouldn't be the bar.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

tw abuse


My parents are super against pride parades, they made it very clear when i came out that they'll "love and support me regardless", but refuse to take part or let me take part in anything celebrating it, whether that's pride parades, pride merch, or my own freaking wedding if i ever get one.
they "don't want to support sin" because they "love me too much to accept anything that'll cause me to burn in hell", but at the same time they want to still keep a good relationship with me when I move out? like hell no, I'm getting as far away as possible and I'm going to celebrate for all the times i couldn't because of you, if you won't even show up when i get married why should I show up for you if you're just gonna lecture me and guilt-trip about how you "should've taught me better when I was a kid"? fuck you. i love you dearly but your sheer ignorance is putting walls between us that i can't just look past.

Deleted user

My parents are super against pride parades, they made it very clear when i came out that they'll "love and support me regardless", but refuse to take part or let me take part in anything celebrating it, whether that's pride parades, pride merch, or my own freaking wedding if i ever get one.
they "don't want to support sin" because they "love me too much to accept anything that'll cause me to burn in hell", but at the same time they want to still keep a good relationship with me when I move out? like hell no, I'm getting as far away as possible and I'm going to celebrate for all the times i couldn't because of you, if you won't even show up when i get married why should I show up for you if you're just gonna lecture me and guilt-trip about how you "should've taught me better when I was a kid"? fuck you. i love you dearly but your sheer ignorance is putting walls between us that i can't just look past.

hi the bible doesn't say anything about homosexuality or how it's supposedly wrong

Deleted user

CW sex mention, as a joke.

The lady who gave me my vaccine was a total

Yes I know I'm strange. Anyways I'm getting my second dose on the 7th of June, wish me luck!

I got Pfizer btw

@Dayzed forum

I’ve been struggling with my Christian mother for the longest time and it really is a pain in the ass. My mother thinks that changing your gender is a sin. “You were born a girl, you can’t change that no matter how hard you try”. And I know. Don’t you think that torments me everyday? To know that I’ll never be a cis guy.
I remember coming out to her as trans and she had the nerve to tell me that I wasn’t. She kept denying it even though I kept telling her that I was.
I told her that it was okay if she didn’t accept me because I know how her religion is and if she never wanted to talk to me again, that could be arranged.
I don’t get how anything can come first before your own family, your own child.
She quoted a bible passage to me that said something along the lines of “if your mother or father or friends or child were to reject you, I will be there for you”
Thing is I never rejected her, she’s the one always doing the rejecting. She believes that leaving me to my “sin” so she can have a closer relationship to god is okay. But what about me? You’re so quick to leave me because it benefits you but what about how I feel? You’re just going to throw me away because a book said so? Because god said so?
No matter, because after three years of trying to get her to love me wholeheartedly without the Christian bullshit, I’ve had enough and I’m not going to keep hurting myself over someone who doesn’t even want me.


exactly, I plan on ditching my family the literal second I turn 18, and not really coming back, I might for christmas but thats about it lol.

@Dayzed forum

Yeahhhh, I'm 21 and still living at home ;-;
But I think this is gonna be my last summer at home.

Same, I’m almost twenty and i still live with her- most of it having to do with the financial situation


yeah, hopefully I wont live with my parents that long, my irl bestfriend Gabbie, knows how toxic and bad my home situation is, so we plan on renting an apartment together senior year, because her parents said they're kicking her out when she turns 18 to 'teach her life skills' so yeah–


hi the bible doesn't say anything about homosexuality or how it's supposedly wrong

Both me and my sister (she has to put up with the bs too, she's just already moved out) have tried to tell her, but she insists that's simply propaganda and "you can't pick and choose what you want to believe from the bible and still be Catholic, period. God said homosexuality is a sin, to ignore that is to ignore God" and i just.
for someone who talks so much about not ignoring god, man you really like to ignore god


I literally want to pull up with all of my research and confront my pastor about it but I also have to be there for two more years oof
Also forgot to mention this but in a very brave moment for me, I impulsively asked my parents if I’d be allowed to come out on social media (I just believe it’s respectful for me to ask them first, especially since our closest family friends might cut us off because of it) and my dad was low key invalidating my need to come out since I’m bi. Like I know my parents are older so they don’t get it as much but just because I’m somewhat attracted to men lmao barely doesn’t mean I should have to pretend they’re the only people I’m attracted to.