forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :) Part 2!
Started by @Moxie group

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@Katastrophic group

My name is also katie but spelled weird so i can never find it. It was going to be Kat Lynn G, but my parents wanted elizabeth in there too, so Kate-lynn turned into Katelynn which got shortened to various nicknames. Now I go ty Kat (and various puns) online and Kat Lynn as a penname

Deleted user

I'm p content with my lastname, it's italian
but it's a word thats grammaticly incorrect in italian and it makes me so angr

Deleted user

That would be the only reason I would get married
to steal a cool last name

@larcenistarsonist group

If I do, then I'm not changing my last name because I'm a stubborn bitch. Also, y'know I'm gonna change my last name once I'm of legal age and I don't wanna change it and then change it again. I'd be up to hyphenate though if their last name's neat.

Deleted user

i'm getting a binder and im so excited

yo that's awesome! v proud of you, internet stranger. i remember getting my first binder as a baby trans :') (p.s, make sure to bind safely)


i'm getting a binder and im so excited

yo that's awesome! v proud of you, internet stranger. i remember getting my first binder as a baby trans :') (p.s, make sure to bind safely)

i will! i had to do a lot of research because my parents don't know

@tungsten fastfood

Hi gamers I need help

So I've been identifying as bi for almost four years, and I've been out for a year now.

But uhhhhhh recently I came to the realization that I can only really imagine myself happy in a relationship with another woman, and am primarily attracted to them in every way. (Ehm)

I've dated a guy before and throughout that I've always complained about not having a girlfriend, especially near the end of it. I've also realized I'm pretty sure I was only aesthetically attracted to him (meaning I liked he was smart and was fifty pounds lighter than me).

If you don't get what I'm trying to say it's that I need help with if I'm a lesbian or not. I don't think bisexuality fits me anymore. I was never really attracted to men in the first place, and most of the men I do like are famous or like, Markiplier (his muscles being absolute fucking goals).

I'm kinda desperate so I'll take any help or conversation about it


Hi gamers I need help

So I've been identifying as bi for almost four years, and I've been out for a year now.

But uhhhhhh recently I came to the realization that I can only really imagine myself happy in a relationship with another woman, and am primarily attracted to them in every way. (Ehm)

I've dated a guy before and throughout that I've always complained about not having a girlfriend, especially near the end of it. I've also realized I'm pretty sure I was only aesthetically attracted to him (meaning I liked he was smart and was fifty pounds lighter than me).

If you don't get what I'm trying to say it's that I need help with if I'm a lesbian or not. I don't think bisexuality fits me anymore. I was never really attracted to men in the first place, and most of the men I do like are famous or like, Markiplier (his muscles being absolute fucking goals).

I'm kinda desperate so I'll take any help or conversation about it

big mood
i think you're slowly figuring out who you are, and however you may come to that realization is poggers no matter what
you also might be aesthetically attracted to men and sexually attracted to women? that could work idk i dumb


Ok, so I get what you're coming from, because I was in the same situation. I claimed that I was bi and dated around and such, and it took a while but I realized that the only reason that I considered myself bi was the people around me and my parents.

Then I realized I was gay and not attracted to women.

That is just a matter of searching for yourself. If you find that you don't feel fulfilled when you date guys, then maybe you aren't bi.

Or maybe you could be biromantic, attracted to guys but not sexually, only romantically.

It sounds like to me that you are lesbian, hell I'm gay and I think Jennifer Lawrence is hot.

But again, it's a matter of searching yourself and experimenting until you find something right. Just listen to your heart. <3

@tungsten fastfood

fulfilled when you date guys

HNHDNSNDBSHN it's this right here that kicks me in the ass

That previous relationship lasted a year and I don't remember being very happy in it, especially during the second part

I think I don't like men 👁👁

And I know being romantically attracted is definitely a thing but I never look at a man and say "I'd date the SHIT out of you". I just say "oh he's very handsome!" And move on.


I think I don't like men 👁👁

And I know being romantically attracted is definitely a thing but I never look at a man and say "I'd date the SHIT out of you". I just say "oh he's very handsome!" And move on.

Sounds like sir you are a lesbian then :0

That's just my opinion, if you have dated guys, and never have felt happy, then chances are you're not attracted to them.

to be a lesbian doesn't mean you have to be repulsed by the look of men

@tungsten fastfood

Men are so handsome and amazing and they can be really smart! I love those icons

But it's also like,,,,,,,, can a woman sit on my face?

Lmao jk but yeah

I've been thinking about it for a few months now and I saw a tiktok yesterday that kinda sent me spiraling lmao


Alot of people assume that homosexual people automatically hate the other gender and think they're gross.

I'm not attracted to women, but that doesn't mean I don't appreciate a beautiful woman when I see one.
Which is every existing woman, y'all are so pretty