forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :) Part 2!
Started by @Moxie group

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@Becfromthedead group

I'm also named after my great grandmother. Rebecca was her middle name (asddhjs my parents were NOT naming me Mildred).
A shame I feel such a disconnect from the name. Like I answer to it, and that's usually how I introduce myself irl because that's what's on the roster, it's not a deadname. It's just not the one I feel deeply and strongly connected to. And I mean. Bec is a nickname for it that I love so much more, that I feel sums me up a bit better


Me and my brother had matching middle names of Michael and Michelle but when I started transitioning, I wanted to keep that match so I use Mitchell

I have two middle names, the first being Finn, which was one of my families old dogs names


Considering I already gave out my first name and if I gave out both my first and middle name then someone would probably be able to find me, I'll pass, thanks. It's really pretty though, and it was my grandma's name.

Also!! Fuck homophobes and transphobes. That thing I was talking about earlier? Government class? Yeah we were doing something, we have to research a topic and write about it, basically, and one of the ones that came up was "should gender-neutral bathrooms exist" and one girl liTERALLY TITLED HER PAPER "Why Gender-Neutral Bathrooms Shouldn't Exist" AND I FUCKING–


Then her bitchass friend is like "yeah and women shouldn't date women either, that's not how God intended it!11!! It's Adam and Eve, not Eve and Eve!!1!!1" and I had to physically restrain myself from asking her why we should abide by a book that not everyone has read that's part of a religion that not everyone practices

On the upside, I've decided that I'm gonna keep track of the days that I hear transphobic or homophobic remarks and that's the number of pride flags I'm gonna carry with me into that class during June oop–

Deleted user

hi hello this is very off topic but i just had my first kiss and i can't stop smiling and wow i'm very gay

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I am,,, tired of people simping for me
I know it sounds shitty or whatevah
but you'd think people would get the hint that I'm aromantic and wear what I wear becuase I like it, not to attract the simps

Deleted user

I am too, people should respect you more
Do you accept Friend/Platonic Simping?

I absolutely do
I only accept mutual friend simping