forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :) Part 2!
Started by @Moxie group

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@wren-has-mommy-issues group

i've had like
so many names
and i can name them all off the top of my head for some reason too

i've used wren for so long. at first it was just a privacy thing that i used online, but it's become who i am. i have people i know irl who call me that now, and let me tell you, it's beautiful.

oml that's lovely
my online name fluctuates a lot but rosalynn has stuck with me and i love it
i also love the nicknames for my name that i get from the "give the person above you a nickname" chat (so far my personal favs from there are rose and rosie haha-)

that's cuteeeee. i'm such an indecisive person that i'm surprised i've stuck with wren. i just love it so much, and i feel like it matches me. like i look in the mirror and i'm like "wren, yes." lol

@requiemisback language

i've had like
so many names
and i can name them all off the top of my head for some reason too

i've used wren for so long. at first it was just a privacy thing that i used online, but it's become who i am. i have people i know irl who call me that now, and let me tell you, it's beautiful.

oml that's lovely
my online name fluctuates a lot but rosalynn has stuck with me and i love it
i also love the nicknames for my name that i get from the "give the person above you a nickname" chat (so far my personal favs from there are rose and rosie haha-)

that's cuteeeee. i'm such an indecisive person that i'm surprised i've stuck with wren. i just love it so much, and i feel like it matches me. like i look in the mirror and i'm like "wren, yes." lol

yeah i get that same feeling with "rosalynn"!!
like, sometimes i start having an identity crisis and then i reread the name chose for myself and i'm just like "ok crisis averted thank god" and it just,,,, feels great. and my stepbro has been calling me "rosalynn" and "rosa" irl and he's like,,, been a huge help with my name. (in fact he's the one who kinda helped me come up with it; more specifically the two ns part, i wanted a name with two ns and he said "how about rosalyn but with an extra n" and i was just like "YES PERFECT")

@wren-has-mommy-issues group

that's cuteeeee. i'm such an indecisive person that i'm surprised i've stuck with wren. i just love it so much, and i feel like it matches me. like i look in the mirror and i'm like "wren, yes." lol

yeah i get that same feeling with "rosalynn"!!
like, sometimes i start having an identity crisis and then i reread the name chose for myself and i'm just like "ok crisis averted thank god" and it just,,,, feels great. and my stepbro has been calling me "rosalynn" and "rosa" irl and he's like,,, been a huge help with my name. (in fact he's the one who kinda helped me come up with it; more specifically the two ns part, i wanted a name with two ns and he said "how about rosalyn but with an extra n" and i was just like "YES PERFECT")

aweeee!! that's so sweet, i'd never be able to ask my family to call me something different- that's terrifying and i feel like they wouldn't support it. i only have 2 people irl that call me wren and it's my 2 best friends, but that's also because i trust them a ton and they don't go by their given names either, so that made it easier for me.

@larcenistarsonist group

I like my first name, which is Mary Jane, because theres so many variants to go by. I dont care for my last name though. It's just weird and German and reminds me too much of my family. Dont get me wrong, my family's pretty cool and all, I just want a name that's mine and not anybody else's if that makes sense.

@wren-has-mommy-issues group

I like my first name, which is Mary Jane, because theres so many variants to go by. I dont care for my last name though. It's just weird and German and reminds me too much of my family. Dont get me wrong, my family's pretty cool and all, I just want a name that's mine and not anybody else's if that makes sense.

exactlyyyyy like, i like my last name okay i guess but sometimes, especially when i'm mad at my family i'm just like- no i don't want any link to y'all. i use schuyler for a last name, wren schuyler because it's pretty and unique.

@requiemisback language

my irl first name is Kokomi, and i personally don't like it all that much so i started thinking of a new name to go by. i also used to use Kokomi as my online name too so there was a privacy issue there so i changed my online name a few times but "rosalynn" has really been my ticket out of all that

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

I like my first name, which is Mary Jane, because theres so many variants to go by. I dont care for my last name though. It's just weird and German and reminds me too much of my family. Dont get me wrong, my family's pretty cool and all, I just want a name that's mine and not anybody else's if that makes sense.

I get that so much. Every part of my full name comes from someone else in the family and I hate it. Plus, it's Country as Fuck

@wren-has-mommy-issues group

yeah, i get that. everyone always says my real name is pretty, but i dunno i just feel like it's a way of being myself to make up my own, and my birth name is too feminine for my dysphoric ass. (it's lainie) and i think your given name is very pretty as well, but whatever makes you feel best is what you should go by :)

@wren-has-mommy-issues group

I also love my first name cuz its slang for marijuana aha

BAHAHAHA trueeee lmaooo. funny story, at one point, i thought i was named after a porn star because when i asked my dad where my name came from he was all dodgy and he was like "oh, i don't know, i just thought it was pretty." and after a little more prying, he told me "it's from a movie" and i was like "oooh what movie??" and he said he doesn't remember -_-

@The-Magician group

My birth name is Emily, my preferred name is Lee; I’m a simple person. But what I don’t like is that I have the girliest name ever! I’m sorry but Emily Samantha Janelle just doesnt— it’s not— uuuuugggghhhh

Deleted user

my deadname is odd, just becuase it's not a very common name, but there was this gal who had the same name and kept gettting into all of the same classes

But Reed Paul I liked. I reccentl realized that all of my family has some sort of Paul in their name
Mother's first name is paula
father's middle name is paul
and the second part of m first name is Paul lol