forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :) Part 2!
Started by @Moxie group

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@Becfromthedead group

Oh, is "hubby" like an American term???
Anyway, it's basically just a shortened way of saying "husband," but it's not cute, and a lot of middle aged straight white women use the term. For being an affectionate term, it feels really insincere and forced, and it just sounds bad.

@Becfromthedead group

It might mainly be, but who knows?
It's also not a direct address. Like you don't call someone hubby to their face, but you use the word while talking about them to other people and I think that's weird and defeats the purpose of a term of endearment.

@The-Magician group

Yes ‘hubby’ is very much an American term compared to what we say over here.
Thanks for clearing that up, but the no rights thing still confuses me


Yes ‘hubby’ is very much an American term compared to what we say over here.
Thanks for clearing that up, but the no rights thing still confuses me

what annoying pet names are across the pond

@Becfromthedead group

(Asajdkd my SO calls me wifey on rare occassion but I will make an exception for them because they're cute enough to say it with out me taking them tf out. And we're not married so it's infinitely funnier.)

@Becfromthedead group

My parents refer to each other as "your mom" and "your dad" when talking to my brother and me about each other. 😬
They hate each other so it's not surprising.

@larcenistarsonist group

Oh.. that sucks

Parents are weird.

My dad rattled on and on last night about how Joe Biden was a "puppet president" yeah…. Hes not that conservative, he can be liberal when it comes to most topics (human rights and such) but he hates chaos and Gen Z aha… He's Gen X

@Becfromthedead group

Yeah, I think it's a staying together for the kids situation and I'm just like "I WANT y'all to split. For the love of god, please split."
It's kind of one of the roots of a lot of my mental health issues because it's been such a hostile environment.

And oof, ouch. I don't love Biden, but some people act like he's the worst when he's really not

@The-Magician group

Yes ‘hubby’ is very much an American term compared to what we say over here.
Thanks for clearing that up, but the no rights thing still confuses me

what annoying pet names are across the pond

Sugar, pumpkin, bae, sweetie, boo, hun, doll/dollface, babycakes, pudding/puddin, cherrypie, duck, love/luv, pet, bunny