forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :) Part 2!
Started by @Moxie group

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@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

Oh, also my basement has 2 rooms, the room I have for company with lots of sofas and a kitchenette with a full fridge that's always full of snacks and drinks, with a little TV and a coffee table, and my personal room, which is mostly taken up by a big, comfy bed with lots of pillows and blankets, and it has a walk-in closet that I put all my fandom-related stuff in

adsl'fj;klj I'm moving into your room

I'll live in the ceiling

I'll have a false wall in the kitchenette that leads to a little hidey-hole for you, it has access to a secret door in the back of the fridge and every cabinet

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

I have no idea how I'm related to anyone, but boy I sure do exist when there are free food and gifts
The cool uncle no one really visits but will give you cash for every time a present is expected
Who, when asked, will listen for hours when you want to rant about a fandom, and will be happy to let you play DnD at their house and make the treats to bribe the DM

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I'm just,,, I will be the cool sibling that visits all the time and murders your enemies for you and bakes you cookies and shows you how to contour your face to look more masculine or feminine respectively, depending on gender feels.

@d-r-e-a-m-s-e-q-u-e-n-c-e group

i'll be the, like, great-aunt who lives abroad (since i seem to be the only continental european in this chat lol) and barely ever checks in with the family. all the other authority figures secretly hate me for my lack of discipline. i give the kids candy and junk food behind their parents' backs and let them stay up past their bedtime playing mario kart when i babysit. the energy of that one vine where the dude is rooting through a pile of clothes and then turns around and sees the newborn baby on the floor and goes "oh fuck. there it is"


I'm the flamboyant uncle who owns a mansion that you all love to visit but no one actually knows how I'm related to you people.


That means you get to be the only-child cousin who's always used as bait when the kids go ghost hunting in the woods, but then you just end up getting lost and all the other kids freak out, so they go crying to the adults that a ghost stole you, but jokes on them cuz you've already wandered back to the house and are getting served the last piece of cake.

@larcenistarsonist group

Me: [shows up at a family reunion after being presumed dead for 6 years carrying explosives and other questionable items including but not limited to: rubber snakes, popcorn, salsa, some flannels and a P!atD album]


Me: [shows up at a family reunion after being presumed dead for 6 years carrying explosives and other questionable items including but not limited to: rubber snakes, popcorn, salsa, some flannels and a P!atD album]

For some reason you give off Gruncle Stan vibes to me lmao

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Why am I watchng a four hour episode of love or host???
I have lost controll over my life