forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :) Part 2!
Started by @Moxie group

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@The-Magician group

history really repeats itself with the notebook family claiming their roles in the family lmao

and I’m still somehow the parent… Hopefully this family doesn’t die like the other one

Deleted user

history really repeats itself with the notebook family claiming their roles in the family lmao

and I’m still somehow the parent… Hopefully this family doesn’t die like the other one

I never really got very into the entire family groups. I created the miracle fam and that turned out,,, weird for me. So now I kinda just vibe and get called in to fix things once in a while


oh haha i missed the intros bit but hello dziadyy!! im ravens (or elle if you like!), my pronouns are she/(they?????), and i'm aromantic and demisexual!

idk what i would be in a family so id like to volunteer to be the family friend that no one ever sees or remembers who they were friends with originally who only ever shows up at family reunions HGKSDFJ


Why am I watchng a four hour episode of love or host???
I have lost controll over my life

whose was it??

@squiddicus language

Oops missed the family-role-assigning. Guess it makes me the introverted nerd sister who's terrified of family gatherings and prefers to stay in her room with her science posters.


Oops missed the family-role-assigning. Guess it makes me the introverted nerd sister who's terrified of family gatherings and prefers to stay in her room with her science posters.

Can I be the just as introverted nerd friend who you drag along to all the family gatherings you are forced to go to so you have someone to talk to without feeling uncomfortable?

@squiddicus language

Oops missed the family-role-assigning. Guess it makes me the introverted nerd sister who's terrified of family gatherings and prefers to stay in her room with her science posters.

Can I be the just as introverted nerd friend who you drag along to all the family gatherings you are forced to go to so you have someone to talk to without feeling uncomfortable?

I seriously need one of those. It's a definite yes.

Deleted user

Why am I watchng a four hour episode of love or host???
I have lost controll over my life

whose was it??

Karls :3

@requiemisback language

well at least i'm not alone on this lmao
side note: i have actually been up since 2 in the fucking morning and i have too much energy for some reason- i used it to my advantage and finished off weeks 2-6 of friday night funkin so ig it's all good??

@requiemisback language

honestly, the energy i have today is the most i've ever had in a LONG time now
lmao i need to start waking up at 2 am more often if it leads to me having so much energy to make use of

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Y'all my aesthetic is PEAK today :3
I'm wearing a vintage off the shoulder yellow polkadot dress with unshaved legs and doc marten boots
It's valentine spirit week and I forgot lol

@larcenistarsonist group

Oof. I'm wearing a baggy grey hoodie, dark blue jeans, and some docs. Also my hair's straight down and in my face so I'm always swiping it out of my face and stuff but I like it

Usually though, I wear flannels and leather jackets.

I'm a hoodie, flannel and leather gay all in one.


Uhh Deadpool tee-shirt, red denim skirt, black leggings, black combat boots. My green coat kinda breaks the outfit though lmao, but it's fuckin cold >:(

Also if being a flight attendant doesn't work out for me, who wants to come by my gourmet milkshake shop?