forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :) Part 2!
Started by @Moxie group

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@Becfromthedead group

I mean, y'all already call me Bec, it's short for Rebecca, which I've always felt an odd disconnect to. (And don't even get me fucking started on my last name, which I will not share, but just know that it makes me feel icky)


I hate my last name too, I'm planning on changing it along with my first. I don't like the man who passed it down to me. I hate when teachers and stuff use it or just call me by my surname. Makes me feel gross.

@Becfromthedead group

Yeah, plus my last name is also a masculine first name and I've had really icky issues growing up with like… being made fun of for my more naturally masculine features and other things associated with it, plus I'd rather cut name ties with my family.
It'll be easy enough to change though, I'll just do it when I get married bc my partner has a badass last name and their family has basically adopted me.

@larcenistarsonist group

I plan on changing my last name when I move out. Dunno what to but something other than my last name. I don't like it. I might also change my first name to just MJ and not Mary Jane.

Plus the idea of totally cutting ties with my parents comforts me I dunno why I must be a terrible child XD

@Becfromthedead group

Idk, I find it very comforting that I will one day be free of my parents. But I find it terrifying that I will one day be expected to care for them in their old age. (Unless I haul ass to Canada~)
And I know it doesn't make me a terrible child, because they say and do so many things that hurt me, often without realizing it. Have I brought them up? Yeah. Anything happen to fix it? Nope. So that shows how much they care for me and how much they respect my autonomy.
And even then, you don't have to have a "good reason" to cut some ties. Maybe you just don't want your folks defining who you are for the rest of your life, maybe there are other reasons that feel like they're not a big deal, but they're important to you.
The family you choose is far more important than the family you were born into imo, and if some of that means cutting ties, that's okay.

@larcenistarsonist group

Bec you're so wise

Yeah, something about my parents makes me want to leave so bad. My mom might force me to stay home when I graduate because she can't stand the thought of living without her children. Me and my mom are completely opposite personalities. I'm chaotic, carefree and never have a plan. Hell, I want to go into a career where I blow shit up for a living. She's so lawful, organized and cares waaay to much about everything. Plus she presses her beliefs onto me all the time, even though I've made it very clear that I hate it. She decides everything for me and always tries to put me in a little box. She can't handle anything she can't control so that's why she always tries to fix me. She never listens and she's always watching me like a hawk. My dad just sits back and the second an arguement breaks out he takes her side without even hearing me out. I hate my home life so much, which I guess is why I want to move to the other side of the country, change my name, and live without them for the rest of my life.

@Becfromthedead group

Yeah, that's completely fair. And even if you change your mind when the time comes, it certainly doesn't invalidate what you're feeling now.
I'm polar opposite to my mom as well, so I definitely get where you're coming from. (Sadly, sometimes I feel like the mom. I'm one hell of an old soul)


I have a few nicknames that I like, all from a particular group of friends of mine. One of them is "Tree" because my name is a type of tree and one is my name with a "Y" in front of it that I actually don't remember the background for. We also call each other by the names of characters we roleplay with each other as lol. Kind of cringey, but we'd actually do that during school. We thought it was hilarious because it always confused the hell out of everyone else when we'd call each other "Gold" or "Red" or "Silver" yeah we RPed Pokemon but looking back on it is like physically painful lmao

@d-r-e-a-m-s-e-q-u-e-n-c-e group

my nickname in middle school was shuichi, my group of friends all kinda kinned with danganronpa v3 characters and my gf at the time was kokichi lmao
all my online friends call me ocean
my close friends usually just call me by my birth name or some derivative (for example, my best friend calls me stellie)


Tbqh I'm thinking about changing my username online to the "Y in front of my name" thing bc it sounds better than "Cloudswift" and it's just more me, y'know? idk tho.

gonna put it out here bc I don't really mind sharing my first name too much, the nickname's Yaspen

@spacebluelily language

My math teacher found out this morning that her daughter tested positive for Covid. My teacher said she's feeling fine, but she's going to take the test. So now I have to go take a test to see if I have it or not. Just to be safe. Not exactly the news I wanted to end the week.

@larcenistarsonist group

I'm trying not to fall asleep in my 3rd period.
Were watching an assembly that out student council is livestreaming but it's so choppy and low quality that its painful to watch.

@Kanaroli group

When your mom and sister say they understand that you don't feel motivated to do anything today but really you're just having a bad depressive episode and you don't want to tell them that cause they'll say you're self diagnosing

@Becfromthedead group

Long kind of rant incoming:
I love questioning my gender 😔
There's always the "am I seeking attention?" "Am I just following what my non-cis friends are doing?"
But like… a lot of it is me getting in touch with who I am, which maybe I wasn't comfortable with before. Getting called a boy, made fun of for body hair, and all that kind of struck a nerve when I was in a vulnerable life stage. But now, if I was presenting more masculine, I wouldn't be angry if I got called "he," I don't think. And I'm so much more comfortable with androgyny. I think I maybe went through some time of overcompensation? Sure, I do love to present very feminine some days, but that's not all of who I am.
Not to mention those urges to cut my hair short- which my friends are kind of all encouraging lmao.
Do I say anything? Or do I just present how I want and stay quiet? Like my fiance knows I'm questioning, and they're supportive, but like. How do I go about labels? Pronouns? Do I bother? I mean, they don't really use a label themself. Just they/them pronouns and call it a day. But I've found that choosing labels helps me understand myself a little more. Though more obscure labels can be tricky.