forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :) Part 2!
Started by @Moxie group

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no, you're right, most "chivalry" rules are old-fashioned and frankly a little disrespectful. i thought we were past thinking women need help with with everything
society amiright

@requiemisback language

the sister of one of my dads keeps trying to get me to act "girlish"
like,,,, stfu abt your gender roles, i'm just trying to vibe to anime OPs in peace >:[
plus i barely know her, so it's really fucking awkward and also v mean

@Becfromthedead group

Pisses me off when boys inconvenience themselves to hold open a door and I have to do that little awkward scurry towards the door. Like bro, appreciate the gesture, but I can do that myself without making this awkward.
Also can I just say that being bi and afab and dating someone who's bi and amab is the most wonderful thing and absolutely flips gender roles on their head?
Like yes, I can buy us lunch or drinks. Yes, I can be the one who usually drives us, and I (gasp) hold doors for my partner instead of them holding them for me.
These dummy gender roles are social constructs and it's okay to break them down. It doesn't make you any less of your gender. And they don't matter. These roles are honestly more inconveniencing than they are helpful. They put people in boxes and also force people to go out of the way to perform unnecessary behaviors.

@Katastrophic group

If you're the first person to the door you hold it open? And if there's someone behind you, you hold it open? It's not a gender thing it s being a polite person >.>
I've seen such dirty looks in my old fashioned neighborhood church before when guys hold doors for each other, like what's he suppsoed to do? shut it in the other dude's face or it's homosexual and bad?

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Pretty much. Being nice = attraction, we all know this apparently. I've been the first person to the door plenty of times, but whenever my dad- the last person- shows up, he says "I've got this" and makes me so holding the door for him. Never once has my father walked through a door I was holding open for him. You should see how upset he was when I opened his car door for him to come out

Deleted user

We’ve all read the Bible, we all know politeness is gayness

beautiful lmao

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The more I learn about your family, Swim, the more confused I am. They're not a very swell bunch.

yeah, the whole thing about gender was definitely not poggers

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Mhm. They act like they aren't extremists when it comes to these things, but even though they could go further with it they're absolute nutjob Republicans in the end.
My grandpa thinks to be trans all you have to do is style your hair in a non gender conforming way or dying it non natural colors apparently.

Also update guys!! Either my mom wasn't told or she's waiting to confront me, but she seems to not know about me!

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

I hate straight white male spoiled brats
They were discussing how it a woman had a man best friend he was either gay or wanted to bang her
Sorry boys, not everyone works like that and are assholes like you.
I brought up how all my friends are male and they were like "that's good that means you're a wanted woman" and like yeah I know a couple who used to date me/perhaps have expressed the wish to (not in a creepy way I promise) but these motherfuckers made me so mad I just said
"But I'm a man" and I swear to god they just stared at my chest meats sacks for a solid few seconds and then have each other the standard 'oh she's one of those' looks and I about committed two murders then and there

@Milani eco

I hate straight white male spoiled brats
They were discussing how it a woman had a man best friend he was either gay or wanted to bang her
Sorry boys, not everyone works like that and are assholes like you.
I brought up how all my friends are male and they were like "that's good that means you're a wanted woman" and like yeah I know a couple who used to date me/perhaps have expressed the wish to (not in a creepy way I promise) but these motherfuckers made me so mad I just said
"But I'm a man" and I swear to god they just stared at my chest meats sacks for a solid few seconds and then have each other the standard 'oh she's one of those' looks and I about committed two murders then and there

okay thats unreasonable . im working on a project in hass rn, we have to discuss whats unreasonable/ unjust and i just found a perfect example! promise i wont tell tho lol

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

It's fine lol, if it helps with a project is be more than happy to let you use it! Honestly, people need to understand that

  1. Men can have platonic relationships with women without the intention of getting in their pants
  2. You can be friends with your exes and it be completely platonic
  3. You don't stare at people's boobs
  4. You especially don't stare at them if someone just told you their dysphoria inducing
  5. Respect other people you absolute fuck faces it isn't that hard

@Milani eco

It's fine lol, if it helps with a project is be more than happy to let you use it! Honestly, people need to understand that

  1. Men can have platonic relationships with women without the intention of getting in their pants
  2. You can be friends with your exes and it be completely platonic
  3. You don't stare at people's boobs
  4. You especially don't stare at them if someone just told you their dysphoria inducing
  5. Respect other people you absolute fuck faces it isn't that hard

im best friends with my ex boyfriend! (my only ever boyfriend lol) and we have arguments here and there, but like, we have the best chemistry! in a platonic way!!! its so annoying when people say 'you wanna fukc him , you wanna kiss him' urghhhhh

@Milani eco

There are only like… Two exes that I'm not friends with anymore because they were horrible mistakes and the only ones to hurt me :)

i even broke up with him, and in a rlly bad way (which i regret being mean, but he wasnt ready for a relationship anyways) and he still wants to be friends… i love friends so much hhahha i had none in primary school :(

@d-r-e-a-m-s-e-q-u-e-n-c-e group

It's fine lol, if it helps with a project is be more than happy to let you use it! Honestly, people need to understand that

  1. Men can have platonic relationships with women without the intention of getting in their pants
  2. You can be friends with your exes and it be completely platonic
  3. You don't stare at people's boobs
  4. You especially don't stare at them if someone just told you their dysphoria inducing
  5. Respect other people you absolute fuck faces it isn't that hard

im best friends with my ex boyfriend! (my only ever boyfriend lol) and we have arguments here and there, but like, we have the best chemistry! in a platonic way!!! its so annoying when people say 'you wanna fukc him , you wanna kiss him' urghhhhh

god yess this could not be more of a preach moment
one of my best friends is my ex lmao and our relationship could not be more platonic. he helped me so much getting out of my most recent bad mental health trench and we love each other definitely, but just as friends.
and on top of that my best friend is a dude ! we've known each other for four years and we've been nothing but a brother-and-sibling dynamic. i just wish ppl could see that that's a normal thing and it doesn't need to imply romance…we used to get asked so much if we were dating and it irritated the shit out of both of us lmao

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what did i just walk into

the question should be, what didn't u walk into?