forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :) Part 2!
Started by @Moxie group

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So, there are these two trans kids that I kind of talk to and I'm not 100% sure of their pronouns or which name is their deadname and I've known them for like 3 years but not well enough that I feel really awkward to ask them so when I mention something they do to a friend, is it okay to use "they/them" pronouns?

@Kamea public

I say yes. It's definitely okay to use they/them when unsure of someone's pronouns (unless they specifically request you don't). It's safer to do that then accidentally guess/say the wrong pronouns and risk accidentally hurting them and/or sending them into a downwards spiral of gender dysphoria.


I say yes. It's definitely okay to use they/them when unsure of someone's pronouns (unless they specifically request you don't). It's safer to do that then accidentally guess/say the wrong pronouns and risk accidentally hurting them and/or sending them into a downwards spiral of gender dysphoria.

Okay, thank you

Deleted user

alright y'all i'm back for real this time
i knew that deleting my acc wasn't a good idea lmao
love y'all

@Milani eco

this girl at my school has been saying that she got gender reassignment surgery at 10, and when i called her out for it, she pretty much threatened to kill me in a message on instagram. im scared

@Milani eco

yeh she said 'i dont care if the school reports me, i will fucking kill you'
it might not be a full-on one, but i just forwarded the email to the school ahha

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Ahhhhhhh sneaking on during school to tell y'all my mom went on a rant about how there are only two genders because I opened the car door for my brother, so there's a 80% chance she's going to complain to my dad and he'll out me

But I at least got to say "tradition is just peer pressure from the dead" and my brother agreed with me
But I'm also 80% sure I'm fucked

Deleted user

"tradition is just peer pressure from the rest"

okay i love this

Deleted user

Excuse my language but what the fresh fuck is wrong with her that opening a car door for someone else is an even remotely gendered thing?

lmao it can be a sign of respect for men to open car doors for women, but as a feminist i am On the Fence

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

I'll try to

And my entire family says it's manners to wait for the man to open the door for a woman, to the point to where they'll make you wait several minutes and you get in trouble if you just do it yourself

Deleted user

I'll try to

And my entire family says it's manners to wait for the man to open the door for a woman, to the point to where they'll make you wait several minutes and you get in trouble if you just do it yourself

no offense, but your family sounds painfully old fashioned
my dad's like that too tho

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Oh, they're extremely so. I feel like I'm lucky to wear pants, my dad's close friends with another pastor that their entire congregation doesn't have women wear pants
My dad claims to be unbiased and constitutionalist, but he's such a fucking RepublicanTM

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Also both of my parents have made it staunchly clear their minds can't be changed, which sucks ass
Me saying women are perfectly fine opening their doors and men's doors is 'forcing my beliefs down my mother's throat,' apparently