forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :) Part 2!
Started by @Moxie group

people_alt 175 followers


It sounds like maybe he's respected your request not to talk about it in person. That'd be cool. Congrats on coming out, Swim. That takes a lot of courage and I'm very proud that you were able to that despite the fear.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

  1. Refused to outright acknowledge the word genderfluid, both of us avoided using it
  2. Only called it a choice
  3. Said I would grow out of it basically (and become Christian again)
  4. Said my brother going out of his way to say transphobic things was him preparing me for the world
  5. Said his opinion would never change
  6. Called it a delusion under the pretense of not having a better word
  7. Would tell my mother about it (who is perfectly fine with lgbtq rights being taken away)
  8. Admitted telling her would go over horribly but he would do it anyway
  9. Was so much of a raging transphob the entire time
  10. Said he loved me no matter what (insert eye roll here)

At least he didn't pull the 'I have a trans friend' card here (even though when he does he always dead names and misgenders her)

@larcenistarsonist group


I really don't know what to say…. I haven't come out to my parents, and I don't plan on doing so for a few more years. I hate people that say it's a choice, because it's really not.

You're valid, Swim! Don't let anybody let you think otherwise!! :DD


You're dad is a terrible father and a bigot. I'm sorry your family is so stubborn in their hateful ways. It must be dissapointing, Swim. At the very least, you know you're breaking this tradition of hate. It ends with you, and that's something I'm personally thankful for (hehe cuz it's American Thanksgiving). You're wonderful for being your true, genderfluid self. Don't let anyone silence that.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

It is, yeah… but it's what I've always expected of them. I'm just thankful he stopped himself when he did, because it probably would have gotten a lot worse. (Haha, yes it is XD).
Ya'll really are amazing <3